Thursday, August 2, 2007

The Bridge Collapse in Minneapolis

Watching the seemingly endless video feed on TV, I get this awful feeling. It's the same feeling I had when we were watching the towers burn in NYC. There was the one moment, after the second tower had been hit when the cameras were trained on the first tower.........and it started moving! It was almost in slow motion as we saw the tower collapse on itself. I remember thinking, "If something that big can fall, then nothing is safe."

We all have a lot of questions whenever something this huge and tragic happens. We look forward to hearing the stories of miraculous rescues and last moment decisions that preserved or lost a life. These testimonies are always uplifting and edifying to hear. But the loss of life is not only tragic but it has far reaching impact on extended families, friends and even us. Whom among us will not cross a bridge over the next few days and wonder, in the back of our minds, "I wonder if........"

John Piper has addressed this as well as any newscaster or commentator I have heard over the last 24 hours. You can read his comments here;

Desiring God Blog

Here's a video of the scene with a sermon Piper did playing in the background. This is powerful stuff. It runs about 5 minutes."

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