Saturday, May 4, 2019

Daily Bread for Jun 22, Psa 46-50

Today’s readings are Psa 46-50.

Psa 46 - Pilgrimage (Sons of Korah trust God's refuge)
Psa 47 - Enthronement (Sons of Korah praise God's sovereignty)
Psa 48 - Pilgrimage (Sons of Korah praise God's city)
Psa 49 - Wisdom (Sons of Korah rebuke false hopes)
Psa 50 - Royal (Asaph issues God's summons)

Most of today's Psalms are all ascribed to the Sons of Korah who were Levites and descendants of Kohath, who challenged Aaron's priestly position in Numbers 16 with disastrous results. 

By the time we see them in 1 Chronicles, the Korahites have been relegated to gatekeepers and bakers in the Temple. Some of their history is revealed in these Psalms. Their devotion and worship, their willingness to joyfully serve in less-than-exalted positions, even though things have turned out differently than they expected, is an encouragement and an excellent example for all of us.

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