Saturday, May 4, 2019

Daily Bread for Jun 21, Psa 40-45

Today’s readings are Psa 40-45.

Psa 40 - Lament  (David seeks God's defense)
Psa 41 - Thanksgiving (David trusts God's loyalty)

Psa 41 is the end of Book One of the Psalms. True to form, it is Davidic (speaks of David) in nature and ends with the phrase, "Blessed be the Lord God of Israel."

Book One is roughly a parallel to David's early career when he had been anointed king by Samuel but was struggling under Saul.

Book Two, whose undergirding theme is "The king on the throne," begins with a series of psalms by the Sons of Korah. 

Psa 42 - Lament (the psalmist thirsts for God)
Psa 43 - Lament (the psalmist longs for God)
Psa 44 - Lament (the psalmist remembers God)
Psa 45 - Royal (Sons of Korah celebrate the King's marriage)

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