Friday, April 5, 2019

Daily Bread for May 6, 1 Chr 15-17

Today’s readings are 1 Chr 15-17.

After the disastrous incident with Uzzah in 1 Sam 6:6-8 and 1 Chr 13:5-14, the ark is brought to Jerusalem, this time according to the directions given by God (1 Chr 15:1-3). There is great fanfare, praise, and celebration by all of Israel (1 Chr 15:4-28). In keeping with the positive tone of the book, Michal’s reaction to David’s dancing before the ark is given only a passing reference (1 Chr 15:29).

David assembles the priesthood and appoints Levites and priests to tend to the ark in Jerusalem (1 Chr 16:4-7; 37-38) and to serve in the tabernacle, which is still in Gibeon (1 Chr 16:39-42). What the writer is describing is the centralization of all worship and praise activity at the soon-to-be-constructed temple. David’s hymn celebrates this (1 Chr 16:8-36), anchoring the praise and worship in the word of God (1 Chr 16:14-18).

The path of the ark to Jerusalem

In 1 Chr 17:1-15, we see some additional detail. David's son, not he, will build a house for God. Later, we will see that David’s desire is denied him because he is a “man of bloodshed” (1 Chr 28:3). God reminds David of the blessing he has received (1 Chr 17:7-15). So, we see that God's promises are good and true but happen in His timing and by His plan, not according to anyone's expectations or desires.

David’s response is a lesson for us all (1 Chr 17:16-27). He takes the promise of a temple as a good thing despite the fact that he will not build it (1 Chr 17:26) and chooses to count his blessings rather than his disappointments (1 Chr 17:27).

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