Friday, April 5, 2019

Daily Bread for May 5, 1 Chr 12-14

Today's readings are 1 Chr 12-14

1 Chr 12 looks back on David’s mighty men and how they came to be loyal to David. Warriors from every tribe assemble desert Saul and behind David. There’s a chiastic structure to 1 Chr 11 & 12. It looks like this;

A – The elders anoint David at Hebron (11:1-3)
       B - David receives tribal support at Ziklag (12:1-7)
C - David receives tribal support at the stronghold (12:8-15)
C1 – David receives tribal support at the stronghold (12:16-18)
       B1 – David receives tribal support at Ziklag (12:19-22)
A1 -  The tribes anoint David at Hebron (121:23-40)

As with any chiasm, the main point is in the middle. The chapters are meant to emphasize the increasing support David has among all the tribes.

In 1 Chr 13, David sits on the throne over Israel, neighboring kings honor him, and the blessings of God are flowing freely. David's decision to bring the ark to Jerusalem from Kiriath-jearim is a good one (1 Chr 13:1-4). But they move the ark the same way the Philistines moved it, on a cart (1 Chr 13:9-14). Uzzah may or may not be a Levite. Even if he is, he touches the ark. Uzzah had good intentions but God told Israel how to transport the ark and David, Uzzah and his men ignored those commands. Uzzah dies.

There is considerable danger in getting too familiar with God, believing that His blessings give us license to get loose with His commandments. God remains holy in times of tension and in times of great blessing. We never have the prerogative to minimize or ignore His holiness.

With God's supernatural help, the Philistines are defeated (1 Chr 14:1-17). David prospers with many houses, wives, and children.

David’s rise and reign are signs that God is blessing Israel. Saul, the man of the people’s choosing, a prideful and jealous man, was disastrous as a king. David, the man of God’s choosing, a mighty warrior but a man humble before God, is a good and godly king. This is the principal point the historian wants us to see.

So far, the Chronicler has tended to heavily emphasize the blessings and victories of Israel while giving only passing reference to the evil kings and the curses. His history is designed to be an encouragement for God’s people, reminding them of His grace and faithfulness rather than their failings.

The author looks at Israel’s history the same way God looks at our past, preferring to focus on His workmanship, the presence of His Son, and our transformation, not on our stumbles and failures. 

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