Friday, August 26, 2016

Chronological Reading Plan for Aug 27, Eze 5-8

Today's readings are Eze 5-8. Tomorrow's are Eze 9-12. 

In Eze 5, we learn something valuable about God. His wrath must be satisfied. He demands righteousness from His people. However, they have exhibited spiritual pride and arrogance rather than righteousness. They believe they are superior to those around them but God declares them to be worse. Judgment will fall on them for their disobedience (Eze 5:7-8).

Their offenses are named in Eze 6. They suffer from pride and idolatry. Their arrogance (pride) has caused them to turn away from God and worship other Gods, themselves and, as we will see, their belongings (idolatry). 

Their hopeless nature is described in Eze 7. God will judge them according to their ways (Eze 7:3). The worldly things they valued and depended upon will not save them (Eze 7:17-20). Even the religious leaders have been corrupted (Eze 7:24-27).

Their worship is empty and the Temple has been defiled by their idolatry (Eze 8).

In short, these people who have been chosen by God to be His representatives on earth have been busy representing themselves and pleasing themselves, even becoming like the world and, in many ways, worse than the world. They have even turned their back on the one tangible thing that set them apart, God's dwelling.

None of what they are doing and none of what they have will save them because they have forsaken God for their won interests. This is sin and God has promised, repeatedly, to punish sin by venting His unbridled wrath upon it. 

What the people are failing to see is that their religion has, over time, become a self-centered religion that focuses on them instead of God. It's deteriorated into a faith and worship that relies on what they get out it instead of Who they get it from. They no longer truly worship God, they worship themselves and their "blessings".

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