30 Day Challenge - Day 12
Many of the folks in our church began a systematized plan for reading the Bible on Jan 2. During the service that Sunday morning, we presented four reading plans to choose from. Immediately after, a number of others were made available by various folks in the congregation that had found one or another handy and easy to use.One of our godly ladies even made an email reading system available that she has been using. We had a lot of folks subscribe to that. Ultimately, it really doesn't matter what system is being used, what matters is that we, as believers, are getting familiar with the text of the entire Bible.
The "Challenge" was this; examine your day, see what may have a higher priority than reading the Bible (TV, facebook, video games, hobbies, etc), give some of that time to following a Bible reading plan (typically about a half hour). If we can rise to this challenge, reading the Bible will become a routine part of our day before the 30 days are up and we will have developed a habit that can change our lives in a positive manner for all eternity. 30 Days for an eternal change!
It was a glorious and blessed morning with a tremendous feeling of unity and purpose. "We are going to do this together!" I was bowled over by the number of people who were excited and looking forward to doing this on their own, with their families and even some with their friends.
Since then, we've been equally blessed to hear from so many that are not only engaged but really enjoying the daily commitment to spend some time with God in His Word. I had a number of young folks approach me last Sunday to tell me where they were in their reading. There are folks who have picked up audio Bibles and are listening during their commute. We have a good number of families that are doing it together around the dinner table or before they retire for the evening. Some are reading while they exercise! I was meeting someone at Panera this week. Two of our ladies were there showing a neighbor how the system works. Some are using their smart phones, many are listening on iPods. Technology is being utilized in a godly manner! We've had a surprising number of folks from outside the church request the plans. Facebook has played an integral role in this as well.
Kelly and I are using Professor Grant Horner's Bible Reading System. I've become familiar with a few systems. Nearly all of them are good but this one has proven to be the most fascinating I have ever used. It's challenging but absolutely brilliant in how it is laid out, synchronizing the readings in such a manner that they compliment each other in an intriguing and amazing way. For me, it has helped to create an air of anticipation that is lacking from many Bible reading programs. There's even an online program that will walk you through Horner's plan (and a host of others) and help you track it.
So....today is day 12 of that challenge.
Statistics show, oddly enough, this is close to "hump day" in a reading plan. The majority of those who can make it through the first 15 days will go on for the rest of the plan. I can see why this is true. The initial wave of excitement is dying down some. Life begins to creep back in. We may cave in to the desire to put our reading off until "later in the day" and then miss it all together. This is when we firm up our resolve and being to walk through our commitment with deliberation, trusting in the promise of Isaiah 55:11 (hover your cursor over the reference). We can also embrace the fantastic blessings of Prov 30:5, 1 Thess 2:13 and Heb 4:12.
Here are a few tips that may be helpful:
- If you haven't started yet....start today!! You can see the plans here.
- If you have missed a day, or even two or more, just pick up
where you left off. Don't try to "catch up". We're not is a race. We are all winners in this one.
- Try to encourage someone else in their reading. Remember, we're talking about a life-style change here and we need to help each other.
- Be wary of old habits and patterns that are trying to creep back in and supplant your reading with something that may appear to be more fun but is far less productive. Read 2 Peter 1:5-9 carefully and see what God has planned for you if you are faithful to Him.
- Keep you Bible handy. Pick it up at lunch, break, study hall, a quiet moment. on the train, before you turn on the TV/computer. You'll be amazed at how much time you have to do this.
Yes the challenge is very good, we might not all be exactly on day 12 but I for one am progressing beyond day 1 :)
ReplyDeleteThat's great! The important thing is that we're reading our Bibles! Amen and thanks.