Thursday, June 10, 2010

Time In Orlando!

We got to Kelly's Mom's place last night and have had a great day of getting caught up with her and her sister, Aunt Delores. These two godly women are an encouragement to talk to and precious members of our family. We don't get to see them nearly as often as we would like so, each visit is special as it gives us the chance to catch up with what God has been doing in our lives. Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of Aunt Delores but I did manage to get Kelly and her Mom together (above).

Mom lives in a trailer park in Orlando. They're different in Florida than what we are familiar with in Virginia! Her's is very nicely landscaped and well maintained with a fantastic swimming pool and some very nice and helpful neighbors. I've included some shots of the homes and lots near Mom's in the slide show below. She lives in the one where that sharp PT Cruiser is parked *smile*

It's pretty hot down here...I LOVE it! The skies are bright blue and the clouds, when there are clouds, are so low and fluffy you almost feel like you can reach out and touch them. The tropical climate lends itself well to some pretty unique plants and animals. As I snapped the pics of the ladies, I decided to get some of the scenery as well (like the Florida hottie above and to the right!)

Needless to say, we are in full relaxation mode. We'll spend a few days with Mom. Then Ruth, Todd and Sammi arrive on Saturday. We'll pick them up at the airport, then we'll all go to The Liki Tiki Village Resort (I am not lying) in Winter Garden, just to the north of us. A few years ago, they signed up for a great time-share program and have had some truly fine vacations since then. This year, we get to share their time-share!

We'll go to church with Mom this Sunday but we'll miss everyone back home. Blessings to all!


  1. Beautiful picture!! So glad you two are having a good time! :-D
    Lots of love!

  2. LOVE the staghorn fern! Their s-l-o-w growth makes the large ones quite valuable...can run up to $900 or more depending on size. I've seen some so big they were actually locked to the tree, post, or porch that supported them. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.
