Memories In Orlando
Great morning, chatting and hanging out, a getting caught up on some reading. At lunch time, it was 93 degrees but Mom's place has a nice breezeway and we ate outside...with a couple guests....Mr Very Large & Ugly bug and Mr. Chameleon
Even with our unexpected guests, it was a relaxing morning.
Later in the afternoon, Kelly and I decided to tour some of our familiar spots. I met her at Wendy's in 1978 and we wanted to go see if the store was
still there. The afternoon turned into a stroll down memory lane as we began by stopping at the IHOP where we had our very first date and afterward shared our very first kiss in the parking lot. We managed to locate the place my motorcycle was parked at the historic moment and took the opportunity to recreate the memory (less the motorcycle, of course). Here are pictures of us standing on the same spot!
We left IHOP, driving down Colonial Drive to see if there was still a Wendy's at Colonial and Orange Blossom. There was! We went inside and just stood there for a few seconds. It has been remodeled, perhaps a number of times, but it was the same space with the same basic floor plan that was there the day we met.
I remember the moment vividly. I was brand new and had just been promoted to "Co-Manager", the second one in charge (no more mere Assistant Manager for me! This was the big time!). The Manager at the time met me out in the parking lot and after chatting for a few minutes, he brought me in to meet the crew. We started in the back of the store and worked our way forward. Finally. he introduced me to the cashier for the lunch-time rush. Her name was Kelly. I don't think I'll ever forget the look on her face when we met, she blushed! I thought, "She's pretty cute!" I don't have a picture of that moment, but we talked to the current Manager, Billy, and he let us get a snap of Kelly standing in the same spot she was standing in when we met.
It was a sweet moment...32 years ago and again today.
Here's another picture (below, left) at another significant location in the store. This is the exact spot Kelly "fell' for me . (I'll let her tell you the story about that one!) Many thanks to Billy for graciously allowing us behind his register for a few moments.
Awwwwww! That made me tear up a little! I remember that Wendy's! Every time Ryan and I would drive by it when we were still living in Orlando I would say "That's where Aunt Kelly & Uncle John met!" :-)