Does God Like Men More Than Women?
I'm on an email list called The Generous Husband, it covers all aspects of the marriage relationship, from the spiritual to the physical, from a Scripturally sound and godly perspective. I recommend it highly for you guys out there. It sends out a blurb each day that encourages men to set their sights on being better and more godly husbands. Kelly subscribes to the one for ladies, The Generous Wife. Here is today's note for the guys:Be a better husband:
Does God like men more than He likes women? It's a silly question of course, but I suspect many men feel, on some level, that maybe God does like men more. If I feel that, in any way, how can it not play out in the way I treat my bride? If my work, my ministry, or my dreams are in any way more important than hers are, she’s going to lose out.
Ask yourself, completely honestly, if you have a superiority complex - correct as necessary.
Be blessed, be generous, and be a blessing!
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