Daily Bread for Dec 29, Rev 17-19
Today’s readings are Rev 17-19.
Rev 17-18 retell and lament the fall of Babylon as a way of symbolizing what is about to happen. Babylon is symbolic of the world system, which has been in place since the fall in the garden. Just as Babylon did at the hand of the Persians, the world system will come to a violent end when Christ returns.
With the battle over and the victory won, worship commences
in heaven, as we see in Rev 19 --
intense, loud, joyful, unbridled worship. The Lamb is now on a white horse and
is portrayed as an all-powerful, conquering king. The bride is presented to the
Lamb. She has "made herself ready," but her beauty has been
"granted" to her (Rev 19:8
) in the form of righteousness, described
symbolically as “fine linen, bright and pure.”

Significantly, the bride is not beautiful in and of herself
but derives her beauty from what has been given her by God. This is a lesson in
how God relates to His children. Any value the children may have comes directly
from their relationship with His only Son.
The beast, the false prophet and everyone who followed them
become dinner for the birds. They are utterly defeated (Rev 19:17-21
). Of
course, this is not news. It was foretold in Gen 3:15
and has been a consistent
theme throughout the Bible. Satan is subject to God’s authority and used for
His divine purposes. The devil is a created being. God is the sovereign ruler over
all creation.

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