Thursday, May 2, 2019

Daily Bread for Jun 17, Psa 21-25

Today’s readings are Psa 21-25.

Psa 21 - Royal (David praises God's deliverance)
Psa 22 - Lament (David laments God's abandonment) 
Psa 23 - Trust (David trusts in God's care)
Psa 24 - Thanksgiving (David praises God's kingship)
Psa 25 - Lament (David trusts God's guidance)

In this series of psalms, we see the benefit of understanding the context and flow of the Book of Psalms. There's a beautiful progression here particularly from 22 through 25. In Psa 22:1-2, as he continues to struggle with Saul, David expresses his anguish over a perceived isolation from God. Nevertheless, he declares God's holiness and his trust in Him (Psa 22:3-5) even as he laments his dire situation (Psa 22:6-8). David's struggle continues as his doubt about whether God is listening (Psa 22:12-18) strains against what he knows to be true, God is always there (Psa 22:9-11). Ultimately, David confesses his implicit trust in God (Psa 22:19-21), despite his feelings. He then proceeds to praise God and give testimony to His greatness (Psa 22:22-31).

Psa 23, the Shepherd's Psalm, follows. This is the resolution to the feeling of abandonment expressed in Psa 22. God has not abandoned David. Instead, He has been leading and guiding him all along. David's Shepherd has been watching over him, nourishing him, protecting him. God's intention for David is peace and goodness. Like a good shepherd, God has hovered over him, even when David felt like he was alone. David experiences God's assurance.

Then, in Psa 24, David sings God's praises. The result of David's crying out, his assurance, and his praise, is a hunger for God's word, a desire for holiness and a growing trust in Him (Psa 25).

With the understanding that these Psalms relate to David's life, we see his overall despair (Psa 22), the assurance of God's love (Psa 23), praise for who He is (Psa 24), and a desire for holiness (Psa 25).

For those of us who know Jesus as Savior, David's experience parallels our salvation and mimics God's plan of redemption. We despair over our need for a Savior and call out to God (Psa 22). God provides His assurance of our salvation (Psa 23). Then we give Him praise for who He is (Psa 24). As we praise Him, our desire for holiness and His word grows (Psa 25).

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