Sunday, May 12, 2019

Daily Bread for Jul 1, Psa 90-95

Today’s readings are Psa 90-95.

Psa 90 begins book four. Book one’s primary theme was “The king’s struggle.” Book two anchored itself in “The king on the throne.” Book three focused on “The king in exile.” Now, book four will have “The king returns” as it’s dominating theme. Keep in mind these themes are general and intended to show us a progression from humble beginnings to exaltation.

Psa 90 – Lament (Moses grieves over the frailty of man)
Psa 91 – Trust (in the goodness of God)
Psa 92 – Praise (the Lord reigns))
Psa 93 – Enthronement (the majesty of the Lord)
Psa 94 – Imprecatory (The vengeance of the Lord)
Psa 95 – Praise (the salvation of the Lord)

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