Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Daily Bread for May 9, 1 Chr 25-27

Today’s readings are 1 Chr 25-27.

The musicians that will minister in Israel are organized and given assignments in 1 Chr 25. Their capability to sing and play their instruments is called “prophesying” (1 Chr 25:5). This is a recurrent theme in Scripture that tells us that the church should never minimize or underestimate the role of God-centered, God-glorifying music in worship.

In 1 Chr 26, gatekeepers are assigned and given specific gates to watch over and specific duties. Notice this is done by casting lots. The positions are not assigned according to ability, looks, capability or popularity. The casting of lots leaves the decisions in God's hands alone.

1 Chr 27 shows us how a true theocracy (a government focused on God) functions. The military works at the behest of the king and "everything pertaining to God." The treasury was run in the same manner. We see that human forms of government can work if God is at the center of the governing philosophy.

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