Thursday, March 21, 2019

Daily Bread for Mar 27, 1 Sam 1-3

Today's readings are 1 Sam 1-3.

In the Hebrew Bible, the Books of 1 & 2 Samuel are the first two books of a four-book volume that includes 1 & 2 Kings. The Greek translation, the Septuagint, calls them the four “Books of the Kingdoms.”

We've seen Israel, led by Moses and Joshua, move from Egypt to the Promised Land. Once settled there, God gave them judges to watch over them while they established homes and cities. As the new nation grows and matures, God will build them a more sophisticated system of governors and leaders. 1 Sam oversees the establishment of a monarchy. Samuel functions as prophet/priest/judge all the while becoming the man God will use to transition His people from judges to a king. Samuel’s birth and David’s rise to prominence bracket the story of Saul. 1 Sam depicts David’s preparation for kingship. 2 Sam tells the story of David as king. The narrative arc of both books leads to 2 Sam 7 which begins to develop the Messianic hope of the Abrahamic covenant.

Along the way, we see that God consistently, providentially gives Israel one man, a figure who will lead them into a better way. Frequently that man is born to a previously barren mother. This detail shows us that God not only designates leaders, but He also brings them life.

1 Samuel 1:1-20 starts out with what that familiar refrain: a barren woman, Hannah, gives birth by the power of the Holy Spirit. She loves her son but dedicates him to the Lord, a gesture of profound gratitude for God healing her of being barren. Then she sings a beautiful song of thanks and dedication the Lord in 1 Sam 2:1-11.

These events are roughly parallel to those in Luke 1. The Jews are not yet able to see it, but God is setting a pattern that will validate His Son once He arrives.

The focus moves to Shiloh, the town where the tabernacle is located.

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