Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Daily Bread for Mar 23, Jdg 13-15

Today's readings are Jdg 13-15.

Ah, yes. Samson. If you read his story carefully, it runs through Jdg 16, you get an overview of how Israel is in total disarray and confusion. Samson is a snapshot of what Israel looks like in his day.

Far from the brave hero we learned about in Sunday School, Samson is a living dichotomy. Samson is of the tribe of Dan. You remember them. They were the ones who could not take their allotted land and went north to occupy the town of a passive and weak people (Josh 19:40-48).

Samson is physically strong but morally weak. He makes incredibly poor decisions and is unable to control his emotions, yet God continues to use him. Samson is faithful to the letter of his Nazarite vows (except when he touched the carcass of the lion!) but entirely disregards his Hebrew tradition and the tenets of his faith. He is far from conforming to the intent of the vows, which are to practice holiness (Num 6:5-21). He marries the wrong women (Jdg 14:2), does questionable things (Jdg 15:4-5, 16:1), is enamored with pleasing himself, becomes astoundingly naive with Delilah (who seduces him the same way the Philistines are enticing Israel). Delilah is clearly Samson's enemy, but Samson is so blinded by lust that he’s unable to see it. Israel is in the same position with Philistia, opposed to them but lusting after the things they have.

There is something to be learned from practicing our faith (Samson's dedication to the Nazarite vows) without having our hearts committed to being faithful (his disregard for God's commands). God gave Samson life through a barren woman, blessed him with extraordinary strength, gave him victory and shed His grace on him despite Samson's recklessness and self-absorbed nature. In the end, it was Samson's own self-centeredness that defeated him.

Samson's victories, while spectacular (Jdg 16:28-31), are short-lived and have no real significance. The Philistines will remain a problem until well after David becomes king.

The real encouragement in this story is not in Samson’s goodness, physical strength, and courage, but in God’s grace in using him regardless of his flaws, moral weakness, and mistakes. 

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