Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Daily Bread for Mar 1, Dt 5-7

Today's readings are Dt 5-7.

Moses repeats the Ten Commandments in Dt 5:1-21. Some are complex, and some quickly understood even if not so easily observed. Still, God leaves no room for misinterpretation. The message the commandments send is this, He is holy, and His people are called to be a holy people.

The commandments serve three purposes. First, they are a description of His perfection and holiness. Second, they will show His people that they need a savior. Third, once the need for a savior is realized, the ongoing need for sanctification will become apparent. The commandments are not calling His people to perfect behavior. They are there to reveal that His people are human and unable to live perfect lives on their own. They need God as an active, guiding, daily presence in their lives, helping them to become a godly people.

When Israel was still at Horeb (Sinai), the commandments were given to show that God's people, being unique among nations, are to be set apart as a holy people (Dt 5:22-27). This singular calling will become the hallmark of how they are to take possession of Canaan (Dt 5:28-33).

In Dt 6:1-3, we see that the commandments as an expression of that holy calling. They are enduring statutes, to be handed down from generation to generation. Obedience will bring blessing, disobedience will net hardship. The commandments are to be followed diligently and are not subject to changing times, developing situations, or advancing cultures. God is unchanging, His holiness is immutable, as are His guidelines. His people are not to question them or test them (Dt 6:16-19). The commandments also serve as a constant reminder of His power to deliver His people and His grace in doing so.

All the teaching about God and Israel’s relationship with Him begins to converge in Dt 7:1-26 as the nation moves into the Promised Land. All vestiges of the pagan world, gods, and their worship are to be ruthlessly obliterated. At these initial stages, there is to be no interaction, no intercourse with the people of the land. Any contact with them runs the risk of God's people becoming like those they associate with and less like God. God's people are set apart and called to a higher standard than the world. As the narrative develops, we will see that this by no means requires total isolation. Once they have occupied the Promised Land and have established a firm foothold, as God’s children they are “in the world but not of it.” The call is for His people to be those who influence rather than those who are influenced.

A few spiritual truths governing God’s children are made evident. If they are obedient to the word, they will be blessed. If not, they will fall on rough times. Neither affects their calling. God’s faithfulness to Israel is perfect and complete. He will fulfill His promises because of who He is rather than who they are. If they become discouraged, if the circumstances begin to look overwhelming, they are to remember how far God has brought them and how faithful He is to His promises.

All these instructions and guidelines have meaning and purpose for us today. Sin is to be ruthlessly obliterated from our lives, but it can only happen by God's power, not ours. Allowing the world to permeate and influence our lives can lead us down the wrong path and should be avoided. When we strive to obey God's word, we will be blessed. If we rebel against it, times will get tough. Dwelling on God's word and His promises will get us through intimidating times.

One day, all this will be made perfect, and all the promises of God will come to fruition. Meanwhile, like the Jews, we have His word, His promises, and His commandments to live by. As we strive to abide by and in them, we come to the growing realization that we are unable to keep them on our own and need help, an advocate, a mediator, a savior. However, though we are saved, we continue to struggle, just as Israel will continue to struggle once they enter the Promised Land. As we see God unfailingly demonstrating His grace toward the Jews, we will know that He does the same for us regardless of our ups and downs, our successes and failures.

These hard lessons Israel is learning will lead to a time when they can rest in the Promised Land. For us, they point to a time when all striving will cease. We're not there yet, just as God's work among the Hebrews was not yet complete simply because His people entered Canaan. There was work to be done. For them, the victories before crossing the Jordan were a shadow of what was to come. Their successes and cautions pointed to the prospect of a promise fulfilled.

Even though we have a better and more complete understanding of God's plan of redemption, we too live in a shadow of what is to come. Just as Canaan was the promise of a beautiful and bountiful new home, we have His promise of an eternal home that is free from sin and corruption. His Son has gone there to prepare a place for us. That is a promise to all believers. God is true and faithful to His promises!

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