Daily Bread for Jan 22, Ex 13-15
Look closely at Ex 13. The Lord commands the first of a series of feasts, the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Here’s the context of this event. God has delivered His people. They are to remember this deliverance by celebrating a feast without leaven. But, embedded in the instructions concerning the feasts are a startling number of detailed directives (see Ex 13:5, 8, 9, 11, 14, 16), all of them instructing the Hebrews on what to do when they arrive in the Promised Land. They've seen the miracles, experienced the deliverance and have their guidelines for their new home in Canaan. They even have the presence of the Lord with them! He comes as a pillar of smoke and a pillar of fire and--He does not depart! He will never leave them nor forsake them!
God gives instructions to dedicate the firstborn of all living things to Him in Ex 13:11-16. This is a harbinger of what is to come. God wants His children to make Him the highest priority in their lives. They are to give to Him the best and most precious of what they have. God is not to receive what is left over or what is less than anything else. As they learn this lesson, they will begin to realize that this type of giving reflects how God gives to them.
Ex 13:18 tells us the people came out of Egypt equipped for battle. It's a warning that this may not be an easy trip.
Ex 14 shows us the Egyptians are fickle! They're upset that Pharaoh has sent the Jews away! God tells Moses, and we assume, His people, that Pharaoh will come after them, and He will reveal His glory to Pharaoh and all his army. Of course, this happens.
The surprise comes when the Hebrews reach the Red Sea and turn around to see the Egyptian army coming after them. We find that the Jews are fickle as well! They’re in trouble and seem to have forgotten everything they’ve seen and heard! They complain to Moses. Moses complains to God. God reminds Moses of the promises and tells him to do as He says. The waters are parted, the Hebrews cross on dry ground. The Egyptians follow, and God destroys them. It’s the most spectacular sign yet! Israel fears the Lord and believes in Ex 14:31. Surely, the Hebrews will have no problem trusting God from here on! We’ll see.
Moses composes a beautiful hymn in Ex 15, filled with even more promises of God. Israel arrives at Marah, where the water is bad, and the people complain! Once again, God delivers them miraculously, sweetening the water. This incident is a foretaste of Naomi, in the Book of Ruth, who was bitter (Ru 1:20) but is made sweet (Ru 5:15-16). It is a promise that, if we trust in God and repent, any bitterness we may harbor will be made sweet.
This dazzling display of a people allowing themselves to be governed more by their circumstances than by the word of God should lead us to ask, "Am I ever fickle? Do I lose sight of the promises of God when my situation toughens? How often has God blessed me and I've turned right around and complained? Do I fret more over what I lack than I am thankful for what I have? Am I bitter over anything?"
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