Friday, September 21, 2018

Daily Bread for Oct 14, Mat 27-28

Today's readings are Mt 27-28

Matthew’s depictions of the crucifixion and resurrection are familiar scenarios. Yet, there remain, in some of the details, profound lessons. For instance, we see how far the chief priest and priests have fallen in the incident where Judas tries to return the thirty pieces of silver (Mt 27:1-5). These men were called to perform sacrifices on behalf of the people, called to be advocates for them before God. When Judas expresses his regret and remorse, their response is, “What is that to us? See to it yourself.” They tell him to take care of his sin himself. Judas is unable—but the priests are even more powerless.  They are fully aware of their own complicity (Mt 27:6) but unwilling to repent. Instead, they redirect (Mt 27:7). This should be a caution to those of us who attempt to justify and minimize our sins, blaming others for our own rebellious behavior.

During the crucifixion, we hear Jesus cry out, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" (Mt 27:45-46). We should not miss what happens here. First, we see Jesus has not lost His faith and trust in the Father. He continues to confess Him and "My God." Second, we see the extent of Jesus' suffering as a man. Somehow, without surrendering His nature as God (He was always fully man and fully God, both simultaneously), He feels the separation that sin causes between man and God. Yet, as the Son, Jesus remains a full-fledged member of the Trinity. We know the Trinity is unchanging forever because God never changes. So, the Trinity remains intact and fully functional with Jesus maintaining His role as the Son. Yet, as a man, Jesus feels the anguish and heartbreak of being alone. This is difficult for us to comprehend. As such, it must be accepted in faith.

For those of us who have experienced heartbreak and isolation, this should be an encouragement that we never suffer anything that our Lord has not suffered. He was "...a man of sorrows, acquainted with grief" (Is 53:3), particularly at this moment on the cross. Jesus as a man not only identifies with our struggles and pain but as God, He comforts us and wipes every tear away.

The veil in the temple is torn from the top to the bottom (Mt 27:51). The veil was 30 ft high and at least a handbreadth thick. That it was torn from the top, where no one could reach without dismantling the frame that held it up, is a symbol of God acting from heaven above upon the earth below. Aside from eliminating the divide between Himself and His people, opening the Holy of Holies to all, this shows the work of removing the veil that separated man from God was accomplished by His hand alone.

In Mt 27:53, we hear of the dead being raised. This is a difficult verse to parse. While there are many different interpretations of it, it is best to read it for what it concisely says, at or immediately after the resurrection, there were some who were resurrected as well. This is quite probably a display of God's power in and through the resurrection of His Son. It shows that others will be resurrected as well. It is a guarantee that to promise of our own resurrection is trustworthy and true.

In Mt 27:54, a centurion, who shows no indication that he is a believer, proclaims "This truly was the Son of God!" This displays another guarantee, the one we see in Rom 14:11, "every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess..."

Mt 28:16-20 relates the Great Commission. Notice, Jesus sends them out to “make disciples of all nations baptizing them…” Most Christians are familiar with this phrase. But, His disciples are also instructed to begin “teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” In other words, they are to be messengers sharing the gospel and the Law, two biblical truths that are inseparable. 

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