Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Chronological Reading Plan for Aug 3, Nahum 1-3

Today's readings are Nahum 1-3. Tomorrow's are 2 Kings 22-23 and 2 Chronicles 34-35. 

Nahum, most likely a man from Judah that may have been an exile in Assyria, writes about Ninevah a hundred years after Jonah. In his day, Jonah prophesied and Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, repented. Apparently Nineveh's repentance was not long-term and they, like so man others, turn away from God even thought they have been recipients of His blessing.  Nahum will prophesy and the Assyrians will not repent this time. 

Nahum's primary message is that God will have compassion on all who turn to Him. Those who are His enemies will receive His wrath. Assyria was, at the time of the writing, the most powerful empire on earth. they had taken Israel captive and were hard after Judah. 

Nahum's letter would be an encouragement to Judah that Assyria (Nineveh) would not prevail and a warning to Assyria that it would fall. As an example of a city thought invincible, Nahum uses the mighty city of Thebes (Luxor), which stood firm for over a thousand years and was considered impregnable before being ransacked and destroyed. Assyria would fare no better. 

Nahum's story shows that God can bless anyone He wants to bless (Rom 9:15). His blessing, however, is not an indication that those who receive it are saved. This will be made clear when God's judgment falls on Assyria for oppressing His people. 

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