Chronological Reading Plan for April 29, Psalms 102-104
Today's readings are Psalms 102, 103 & 104.
Tomorrow's are 2 Samuel 5, 1 Chronicles 11-12.
Psalm 102 is a cry of complaint. We'll see this, from
time to time, in the Psalms, with the psalmist almost always yielding to the Lord's will and
extolling His virtues by the end of the Psalm. In this, we see that it's OK to
pour our hearts out to the Father, as long as anger or bitterness are dealt
with and God is acknowledged for His greatness and His love. This one, however,
is a cry made on behalf of the entire nation as it endures exile in Babylon.
Look at Psalm 102:13-17.
Let's look at Psalm 103 and how it is structured, for a
moment. There is a literary device, in Hebrew poetry, known as a chiasma, an
intersection of two divergent literary paths. There are usually two paths, one
leading up to the main point an the other leading away from it. In a chiasma,
the point of intersection is the primary point of the passage. Generally, it
can be seen in grouping of two or three verses, running in a pattern like
this: A > B > C > B > A, with the "C" group being the
main emphasis. Psalm 103 is a large chiasma. It is structured like this;
A-Praise (v 1)
B-The God who meets our needs (v 2-5)
C-The God who does
right (v 6)
The God who reveals Himself to Israel (v 7)
E-The eternal mercy of God (v 8-9)
F-How God does not deal (v 10)
G-Comparisons to God's
excellencies (v 11-14)
G-Comparisons to man's
frailties (v 15)
F-How God does not deal (v 16)
E-The eternal mercy of God (v 17a)
D-The God who does right (v 17b)
C-To those who do His
precepts (v 18)
B-All God rules is to bless Him (v
A-Praise (v 22b)
The Psalm starts out with praise, leads up to it's main
point of comparing God's excellencies to man's frailness, then leads back to
Chiasmas are sometimes labeled chiasmata. Both words are also used as
medical terms. They require some hard work but can be very rewarding.
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