Pastor John's Trip to Israel 2016
In case you haven't heard, I'll be studying in Israel later this Spring!
Late last year I received an invitation to study in Israel with a group of students from the Master's Seminary in Los Angeles The trip will be led by Dr. Michael Grisanti, PhD, Lead Professor of Old Testament Studies, TMS. It's an honor to be asked to go along and I'm excited for the opportunity to learn some of the great scriptural lessons of the Old Testament right there in their physical locations. The study will concentrate in Joshua-Kings and Matthew-Luke. Their historical/cultural events should come to life in a new way, helping to bring greater depth and context to my studies and my future sermons.
Dr. Grisanti has forwarded a ton of reading and study materials, including a set of videos. If you would like to wander through them, you can follow this link.
So far, here's all the information I have regarding the trip.
Travel Itinerary
- Depart from Dulles Thurs May 5, 5:10 PM
- Layover in Frankfurt, Germany for 10.5 hours
- Arrive in Tel Aviv, Israel May 6, 11:00 PM
- Arrive Jerusalem early May 7
- Begin study/travel schedule May 8
- Travel to Jordan, May 29-June 1
- Depart Tel Aviv Thurs June 2, 12:15 PM
- Arrive Dulles June 2 9:13 PM
The total time for the trip covers nearly 30 days. I'm planning on a day of two to recover and get caught up once I get home. I should be back in church on June 5, then back in the pulpit on June 12. My current plan, once I return, is to start a study through Joshua, a book I've always wanted to teach through. I think this is God's timing for us to do it together with some rich insights as well as plenty of pictures and personal anecdotes.
Meanwhile, we've had a few folks ask how they can help out. Let me make a few suggestions.
How Can You Be a Part?
Prayerful Support!
Yesterday, I asked for a show of hands for those who are willing to pray for Kelly and me as we approach the departure date for Israel. If you would like to join them, your prayers would be deeply and warmly appreciated. Please pray as the Lord leads but, if you need direction, we can use prayerful support in the following areas.- My studies in preparing for the trip. They are fairly extensive.
- My capability to absorb and retain those things taught on the trip.
- Safe travels to, from and within Israel and Jordan.
- Safety and provision for Kelly while I am gone.
- Prayer for Scott Ferrell, Seth Grier, the Elders and Diane Strang as they watch over our precious congregation while I'm away.
Logistical Support
- Kelly is planning on dropping me off and picking me up. But, if anything in her schedule pops up, I may need help getting to and from the airport. I'll know more as we get closer to the travel dates.
- Kelly may need some assistance while I'm gone should an emergency rise up or there be a problem around the house.
- I'm trying to pack a light as I can. We have the right luggage. Any tips or easy-to-pack item recommendations that can help me save weight and space would be appreciated! I'll be taking one suitcase and a backpack. The backpack will hold my camera gear and laptop. I'm taking a minimum number of quick-dry clothing articles that I will hand wash as needed. It will be very warm while we're there with highs in the upper 80s and lows in the upper 50s, just slightly warmer than it will be here in Virginia.
Financial Support
Kelly and I have personally funded about half cost of the trip. The WBF Missions Team has provided a generous portion as well. But the cost of living overseas for a month is considerable. Taking into account all our projected expenses, including incidental expenses but excluding anything non-essential like souvenirs, personal items and gifts (or any Mideastern-stout espressos and cappuccinos!) we would be blessed by another $2000 or so. If you would like to help out there are two ways, both of them tax deductible.- You can contribute online via PayPal. The payee address is Please include in the notes section "John's Israel Trip".
- You can send a check to WBF, including the same type of notation mentioned above in the memo field. Our address is Warrenton Bible Fellowship, 46 Winchester St. Warrenton, Va 20186.
Let me end with this. I'm humbled and honored to be able to serve the loving and godly folks at WBF. I'm overwhelmed by our online following and the folks that hear us all over the world via Sermon Audio and our website. It's only through your support and encouragement that I'm even able to consider anything like this. My heart's desire is to be able to come home and share it all with you that we might grow and be nourished by the richness of His word together. I'll miss everyone while I'm gone. But I'm already eager to get back and tell you what I've been doing!
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