Friday, March 4, 2016

Chronological Reading Plan for Mar 5, Num 26-27

Today's readings are Num 26-27. Tomorrow's are Num 28-30. 

God commands another census. The first one was prior to Israel leaving Sinai and preparing for war (Num 1). The new census shows  a total of 601,730 men capable of waging war. Once again, this time in Num 26, Israel is readied to fight! 

That first census, nearly 38 years prior, counted 603,550. Interestingly enough, there are only two men who remain from the first census, Joshua and Caleb. This is because God decreed that none would remain after Israel refused to go in and take Canaan, even though God had promised them victory. So the census accomplishes more than one goal. It shows the strength of the army of Israel, but it also counts the cost of rebelling against God. After seeing multiplication, time and time again, in Israel's short history, for this period of time in the wilderness, they have stopped growing. It's a sobering example of one of the consequences for disobedience to the Father, stunted growth! His children never lose their status as belonging to Him. But, they do slow their pace of growth, even bringing it to a halt.  

The daughters of Zelophedad come forward in Num 27. They have no brothers, therefore they have no inheritance. They come asking for a portion of land. Unlike those who died in the wilderness, these women are eager to receive the gift of the Promised Land. God makes provision for them to inherit their father's portion, a privilege unheard of in ancient times and a sign that the land God promises stays with those He promises it to forever. It's also an indicator that God's views of women and how they are to be treated do not always line up with man's.  

Arrangements are made for Joshua to lead God's people when Moses dies showing that God provides for His children through His faithfulness, not through any one particular man. We also see, in these chapters, that God chooses leaders, sets them up and brings them down. 

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