Sunday, January 31, 2016

Chronological Plan for Feb 1 Ex 7-9

Today's readings are Exodus 7-9. Tomorrow's are Exodus 10-12. 

God makes Moses like God to Pharaoh. This is a demonstration of God’s power to Pharaoh and would have sent a clear message to all who understood what was occurring. Egyptians worshiped a number of very powerful gods and would have viewed Pharaoh as a god over Moses. This is merely a hint at what is to come. The Egyptian gods are not only powerless against the one, true God, they are even powerless against the one sent by the one, true God.  

Note why God is doing what He does. God tell us in Ex 7:5 it is so that Pharaoh and the Egyptians will “…know that I am the Lord.” The primary goal is for God to reveal Himself as the one, true God! The Hebrews become the indirect beneficiaries of God demonstrating His glory to the world. Up until this point, God has revealed Himself to the Hebrews and some small groups. But, now, He will reveal more of who He is by exercising His authority over the most powerful nation in the world. The plagues will show His supreme power over every aspect of creation including water, land, animals, the weather, health, life and death.

Moses and Aaron perform signs before Pharaoh, asking him to allow the Hebrews to leave. A long line of plagues ensues, each one more disastrous than the one before. It's interesting to note that Pharaoh's magicians are able to keep up with the signs at first but are eventually overwhelmed at the absolute and sovereign power God expresses through Moses. It’s also significant to see that the magicians can influence what already exists, but cannot create (Ex 8:18). Only God has the power to create.

The plagues demonstrate God's complete authority over every facet of Egyptian culture. Whether they are believers in Him or not, He is still their creator and judge. For those that think non-belief exempts them from the wrath of God or His presence, look no further than the Egyptians and Pharaoh. 

Ex 9 ends with Pharaoh's heart remaining hardened by God, who has done exactly as He said He would do. It's an incredible demonstration of God's sovereignty and Pharaoh’s human responsibility functioning simultaneously. Can we fully explain it? No. But it is exceptionally clear the Pharaoh's heart has been hardened by God, even as he makes the conscious decision to resist Him, then begins to suffer the consequences for his actions. 

This is the glory and wonder of God, brothers and sisters, the unfathomable character and nature of He who has neither beginning nor end, the great "I am!" Human reasoning is unable to explain it. We can only bow down in wonder and awe and be thankful that someone more wise and powerful than us is in charge of our lives and has chosen not to harden our hearts, but to love us. 

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