The WBF Bookstore Is Open!
Here's an historic first. We have a new bookstore at WBF!
Situated where the old Library was in the center room of the townhouse and occupying a few of the shelves, at first, it is our thought that this can be a good way to make available the books and authors that help shape the thought and direction of WBF. It will also serve as a handy recommended reading resource and a place where we can stock books that go with our Sunday Schools and Bible studies.
You'll find a variety of books; topical, study resources, men's issues, women's issues, family/marriage, Bibles, Study Bibles, devotionals, light reading, doctrinal/theological topics, Apollos resources and more.
Books will be sold on the honor system. A wooden box will be placed on one of the shelves and the funds can be placed in the box. There will also be a clipboard near the box. It will be very helpful if those who buy a book will note it on the clipboard so we can restock the shelves.
For a limited time (until they are gone) there are a number of books that will be free of charge. Any book on the shelves that does not have a price label on the cover is free! There are a couple of really great study resources; "The Biblical Illustrator" (29 Volumes), "The Interpreters Bible" (11 Volumes and "Clarkes Commentaries "5 Volumes).
Please feel free to offer suggestions and recommendations. Pricing will be very competitive. Most of our inventory will come from Christian Book Distributors, a major online source for Christian books. We will be charging what we pay for the books with an additional $1 thrown in to cover shipping. These prices are usually about 20% below retail and frequently less than most brick and mortar stores.
One more thing, we are not looking for donations to the Bookstore. We want to be able to stock it with books that the staff and Elders have read or are, in some way, familiar with. We would appreciate your help in keeping to this policy.
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