Casey's Sermon
Yesterday's services were awesome, made more so by having the Reece family join us in the Early service. Their courage and transparency has been a moving testimony to the presence of the Holy Spirit and His ministry in their lives as He ushers them through these difficult days, one step at a time.
While in no way compensating for the loss of Casey, we can take some small sense of comfort and purpose in knowing that God will, in the long run, use this tragic time to transform the hearts of a lot of people.
We had at least 4 people in the services yesterday that had never heard of Casey or the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They were all there by God's sovereign design and appointment. I spoke to two of those folks personally and they were both moved to tears and a sense of the presence of the Holy Spirit with one woman saying, "Something is happening inside me!"
May the Lord continue to move in the hearts of everyone who hears the gospel as a result of the Reece family's complete trust and dependence on Him!
Below is the PowerPoint presentation from our sermon yesterday. You can hear the entire sermon at the WBF Web site. To listen, click here, when the site opens in another window, click on 'Casey's Sermon' (or you can right click on it and save it to your hard drive). Once the sermon starts, click on this window again and follow along with the slide show.
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