Prayer for Todd Bentley and His Wife
I received this letter this morning from God TV, the online network that has been broadcasting Bentley's revival meetings down in Lakeland, FL:
Dear One,
It is with great regret that we as Founders and our Board call you to urgent prayer.
As you may have already heard, Todd and Shonnah Bentley are experiencing some current marital difficulties and have separated.
GOD TV is anxious that our viewers and partners will first of all respond to these unfortunate circumstances with an attitude of Christ-like maturity and pray fervently for Todd, Shonnah and their children as a family who are precious to the Lord. While we have learned today that immorality was not an issue, no doubt the enemy has exploited vulnerabilities in their marriage.
What the devil has not counted on is the Christ-like maturity and intercession that is currently being raised up all across the earth in response. We hope you will join us as a part of this prayer covering.
It is GOD TV's position that marriage is a foundational cornerstone to those families called to ministry and would believe that those who have spiritual oversight for Todd and Shonnah's ministry will recommend a time of sabbatical for the family in order to seek reconciliation within their marriage should these reports be accurate.
As many of you know, August 8th was our final 'Lakeland' broadcast. We do however, believe that it is important to recognize and defend the authenticity of this outpouring by the testimonies of the countless thousands who viewed on GOD TV or attended at Lakeland and were healed, set free and delivered through Jesus Christ. There are many churches around the UK, USA and the world who are currently holding nightly revival meetings affecting whole communities.
Once again at this time may we encourage all to pray for the family and soberly remember that all of us will be required to give account to the Lord for our lives. It is our earnest prayer that Todd and Shonnah will be fully reconciled.
Rory & Wendy Alec
and the Board of GOD TV
After reading this, it would be so easy for Bentley's critics (I have been one of them) to rise up with, "I told you so!" attitudes. This would be as wrong as some of the actions Bentley has been criticized for.
We have to realize a few things here.
For one thing, someone is hurting a lot. Marital discord is painful as two people attempt to rend the 'one flesh' God promised to form when they united. God is neither honored nor glorified in their separation but can be both in their reuniting. We need to pray for reconciliation for the Bentley's and for God to continue to refine them and mold them into His image.
Secondly, we need to keep in mind that Bentley, to the unbelieving world, represents our Father in heaven. As the world looks on and the accusations of 'hypocrite' emerge, the most damaging witness we can generate here is one of division and judgment, proving to all the onlookers that we are no different than anyone else. The love of Christ should flow from us freely and in abundance.
None of this releases Todd from being responsible for the doctrinal error he has perpetrated. As a body, we have to hold him responsible for that. I would surmise, from all that's happened, that God has chosen to remove him from ministry and that the body of Christ should be supportive in recognizing that.
That being said, it is not now our job to pile on Todd Bentley and pound him further into the ground. It is our job to pray for God to redeem this situation for His glory.
Join me in praying for the healing of the Bentley family. May God's plan for their lives be perfected in their relationship and their testimony!
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