Daily Bread for Dec 5, 1 Cor 12-14
Today’s readings are 1 Cor 12-14.
Paul addresses the gifts of the Spirit in 1 Cor 12.
This is apparently a big issue for the Corinthians. Paul tells them all the
gifts are important, not just the spectacular ones. Each member has a gift that
is of vital importance to the body. The various lists of gifts in these
chapters are not meant to be exhaustive, but representative. One way to tell if
a gift is authentic is whether it gives glory and honor to Christ (1 Cor 12:3).
A gift that calls more attention to an individual than to Christ should be
1 Cor 13 teaches
that none of the gifts, however spectacular they may be, mean anything without
love. Love is the better way mentioned in 1 Cor 12:31. Paul uses the Greek
word agape for love. It describes a godly love, the highest form of
love, a love that originates in the lover without regard to the behavior,
actions or demeanor of the beloved. It is a selfless love that flows from God
to His children, not because they are lovable, but because He is God. This is
the type of love a believer should express as he is being conformed to the
image of God.
Love is pro-active and participatory. The descriptors of
love found in the familiar verses (1 Cor 13:4-7) are verbs in the Greek. They
are things we consciously do rather than feelings we experience. This is an
eternal love that never fails and never ends. We make much of faith...and we
should. Faith is what saves us. But of faith, hope and love, love is the
greatest (1 Cor 13:13). This is because faith brings us to Him. Hope is what He
gives us, But, love is the evidence we are being made more like Him. Love is
the tangible evidence of our faith and hope.
Paul addresses tongues and prophecy in 1 Cor 14.
Tongues is a cognitive language or speech outside the usual patterns of intelligible
speech. They require an interpreter if spoken in public. By the guidelines
found in 1 Cor 14:28, the interpreter must be identified before the
tongue is spoken. Otherwise, how would the speaker know to be silent in the
absence of a designated interpreter? This flies in the face of many assemblies
that practice the speaking of tongues where a tongue might be spoken than a
request for an interpreter made.
Prophecy constitutes divine revelation. It can be
of future events but is not limited to them. Prophecy can encompass
teaching, preaching, foretelling of the future or "forthtelling"
(proclaiming or speaking boldly) the will of God.
Both gifts, tongues and prophecy, are being used
indiscriminately and by many during the services at the Corinthian church. Paul
calls for an emphasis on prophecy and a de-emphasis on tongues. For both, he
gives guidelines that are highly restrictive to bring things under control.
People are to speak, one at a time, no more than three total. By this, we know
that 1 Cor 14:26 is not an encouragement for everyone to come with some sort of
song, teaching or prophecy. Vs. 26 is actually an indictment on how the
Corinthians meet and an admonishment for them to limit the number of speakers
at their meetings.
In direct relation to those guidelines, in 1 Cor 14:33-34
we find one of Paul's most enigmatic phrases,
"...women should keep silent in the churches..."
There have been many interpretations of how
these verses should apply in today's church. Whichever way we decide to apply
it, a few things should be taken into consideration:
We cannot limit its application to Paul's time and
situation. Paul is clearly giving guidelines for general church assembly.
Starting down a slippery slope that claims, "This does not apply to
us." is not only being selective, it dangerously opens the door to
ignoring vast swaths of Scripture. In addition to this, we should keep in mind;
- These verses must harmonize with 1 Cor 11 where Paul gives explicit directions to women who speak in the assembly.
- These verses must be taken in context with the preceding verses that deal with who evaluates the teaching of the church.
The "others" in 1 Cor 14:29 refers to the
prophets of the church that are charged with establishing and evaluating the
theological and doctrinal direction of the church. In other words, the things
that are taught by the church will be monitored by those in charge of the
church. Paul says in 1 Cor 14:31 that they can "all" (this would
include women as per 1 Cor 11) prophecy, one by one. Paul is calling for order
in the service. He is calling for everyone, men and women, to obey the leaders.
The leaders are the elders, who are to be male (1 Tim 2:11). Under their
supervision, those who speak (those who prophesy) are to do so in good
order. The leaders evaluate the teaching. Women, who are excluded from being
elders, may speak but are not to be part of evaluating the teaching and
determining the theological direction of the church. This would allow a woman
to prophesy so long as she was in line with the theology and doctrine established
by the elders.
There are other credible theologians and pastors who will
have varying opinions. Ultimately, each church will have to decide how to apply
these Scriptures. It is a non-essential of the faith. No one's salvation will
depend on where they stand on this issue. It should be an issue that neither
divides us nor prohibits us from working side by side for the sake of the
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