Daily Bread for Dec 3, 1 Cor 5-8
Today’s readings are 1 Cor 5-8.
Paul starts to get specific about the problems in Corinth
in 1 Cor 5:1, sexual immorality of an ugly sort is being tolerated in
the church. Paul urges the church to remove the offenders from the assembly,
warning that "a little leaven leavens the whole lump." If they
tolerate this sin, more will follow. Worse yet, God’s people are supposed to be
set apart and holy. Tolerating sin like this taints their witness.
We see that believers are suing believers in 1 Cor 6. Paul
condemns this practice as well. The church has been given structure and
authority to handle the affairs of its members. Going out into the world to
settle disputes only puts man's authority (the civil courts) above the
authority of God and the elders of the church. It shows the church's need for
the world rather than exhibiting the world's need for the church.
Intimacy in the marriage is addressed in 1 Cor 7. The
bodies of the husbands and wives are not their own but each other’s. Paul makes
it very clear that this level of intimacy is reserved for marriage. Paul discourages
divorce. He gives godly counsel to the unmarried, the widowed and the
Paul uses a curious phrase in this chapter. To paraphrase
his words, "I say, not the Lord." Some have used that to imply that
this is Paul's opinion and doesn't have the authority of Scripture. That is
errant thinking. If we believe that the Bible is inspired, then what Paul
writes here is Scripture. What we should see here is
something more like this, "The Lord taught you this. Under
the influence of the Holy Spirit, I'm expanding on it or clarifying it."
Paul rails at them in 1 Cor 8 for
causing weaker brothers to stumble by engaging in worldly and questionable
activities. This is what eating the food offered to idols is all about. Today
it might be taking a weaker brother to a bar or causing a weaker sister to
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