Daily Bread for Dec 11, Eph 1-6
Today’s readings are Eph 1-3.
There are two primary themes in Paul's letter to the
Ephesians: (1) In Christ all creation is reconciled to Himself and to God. (2)
Christ has united people of all nations into Himself and each other. This is
not to imply that all people in creation are reconciled to God, only those in
Christ. One of the points Paul wants to clarify is that salvation through
Christ and His work on the cross are available to all kinds of people, hence the
“all nations” phrase.
Ephesians was written around 60 AD and shows that the new
church is beginning to mature in its doctrine and theology but will continue to
struggle with outside influences. Nonetheless, Paul’s teaching is deep and
rich, intended for a congregation that may have its challenges but is growing
Ephesus was a vast and incredibly prosperous port city
dominated by temples to a broad variety of gods. The city struggled with
mysticism, magic and the occult. Paul's letter established Christ's supremacy
over all things and God's sovereign authority over not just creation but all
things in this age and the next. Apparently, the church at Ephesus needed to be
reminded of their allegiance to an all-powerful God and their union with Him
and each other through Christ. The draw on them to worship other gods was
formidable. They lived in a culture that minimized the one true God by offering
a multitude of alternatives.
Paul starts out by establishing that all blessings come
through Christ through whom we are saved by grace through faith. Our hope is in
Him, and we are helpless without Him. In Him, also, we are united with all
types of people. This is a mystery revealed in Christ; namely, the gospel is
for Jews and Gentiles. This should be a blessing for God’s people in Ephesus
who may feel pulled in a variety of directions and become divided by a culture
that teaches many and diverse spiritual paths. Christ is the only way
toward a relationship with God. He brings not only salvation but unity (Eph
today. The remains of numerous temples and meetings places are still
This is Main Street looking down toward the great library. |
Paul respects his
readers and expresses his great love for them. He knows the power of peer
pressure. He knows it would be easy for the people of the church
at Ephesus to compromise their faith to fit in with their neighbors and
friends. So, instead of watering down the gospel and sending them a feel-good
letter, Paul takes them deeper into their faith with a strong doctrinal
emphasis. This is a letter motivated by love, respect and compassion. Paul
doesn’t want to coddle them; he wants to stretch them and to see them
In Eph 4, we see that God has given various
spiritual gifts. These gifts are for the edification of the body. But, they’re
also a testimony to its unity. Everyone has, at least, one gift intended to be
used in a corporate setting (the church) for the glory of God and the
advancement of His kingdom. Christians should lead lifestyles that are marked
by edification of each other and holiness. The primary way they express their
unity is by becoming imitators of Christ.
Eph 5 tells us we have new life in His
love and should put the things of our old life behind us. The evidence of our
new lives will show up in how we submit one to another (Eph 5:20).
The marriage
relationship (Eph 5:22-33) is a primary example of what this mutual submission
looks like, it being a model of the relationship Christ has with His church. Marriage
is a gift given by God intended to demonstrate the unity and harmony of the
church. It is tangible evidence that the presence and power of the Holy Spirit
can transform and unite.
There is
structure in marriage. But it is a structure of equals with each called to
serve the other. The husband is the head. But both husband and wife are to
treat each other as more important than themselves. So, it is with the church.
The church is a witness to the world of the oneness we have in Christ.
In Eph 6:1-9 we
see the same principles apply to children and parents, slaves and masters. In
other words, these principles for living permeate every area of our lives.
Eph 6:10-18 is
the familiar "Armor of God" passage. Many people see this as a
passage about spiritual warfare. In truth, the only active part we are
encouraged to play is to "stand firm." The passage is about becoming
more like Christ to more effectively live in and work out the unity mentioned
in the previous chapters. We're told to "put on and keep putting on"
(the verbs imply continuous action) truth, righteousness, peace, faith,
salvation, the word of God and unceasing prayer, all to resist the evil that
would drag us back into our previous lifestyles and ruin our testimonies.
Ephesians is a
powerful letter encouraging the church to walk in the unity it has in Christ
while emulating Him in all things as a mark of the all-powerful God who sits in
sovereign authority over all creation. Ephesians portrays a maturing church,
well on its way toward being more like Christ, working together for the sake of
the gospel and for the edification and nourishment of its members.
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