Monday, September 3, 2018

Daily Bread for Sep 12, Eze 40-42

Today's readings are Eze 40-42.

Let's step back for a moment and look at what we've seen in Ezekiel up until today's readings.

Ezekiel was sent to the people of God to tell them to repent otherwise judgment was coming. They had become tainted by their dalliances with the nations around them. Their relationship with God had been severed, and God intended to restore that relationship. But the process would be painful.

Earlier in their history, God had established a presence among them by having them erect a temple. Inside the temple was the testimony of His presence (the ark of the covenant). But, the people were unfaithful and fell into sinful, rebellious behavior. These actions caused their relationship with God to be impaired. God’s protection and provision were removed. Two major events that occurred because of that hindered relationship were the people being taken captive and the temple destroyed.

All of that occurs, just as God describes it to Ezekiel. Ezekiel gets carried away during the "taken captive" phase. By the time we get to 
Eze 36, the situation is dire. God’s people are living among pagans, their homeland is desolated, and the temple lies in ruins.

Then, in 
Eze 37, we see the vision of the dry bones, life coming out of death. God promises to redeem and restore His children. Furthermore, in the dry bones vision, we saw judgment falling on those who oppose God and His people.

Now, in 
Eze 40, we hear of a new temple, larger, more beautiful and better in every way compared to the temple that was destroyed.

Along with the plans for a new temple, we hear about the redemption of God's people and return to their land. The revitalized temple is not only a stunningly beautiful place, but it also is a safe place, abundant in blessing.

The new temple is a blessing, but it points to an even greater work God will do. It's a picture of Jesus Christ. He is the judgment that is coming upon all creation. His story parallels that of the Jews and the temple. Christ will be taken captive. His body will suffer torture and destruction. He will be resurrected just as the dry bones were resurrected. He will be the new temple. He will be the more beautiful, safe place for God's people to dwell. He will also be the judgment that falls on those who oppose God and His people.

Did the Jews understand all this? No. God was still in the process of revealing Himself in Ezekiel's time. The promise for them and their time was that they would return home and rebuild. All those promises were fulfilled. But even the fulfillment of those promises pointed further down the road to a much bigger story and an even greater, more permanent fulfillment.

So, for us, is this an end-time prophecy? Most likely, it is. But that may miss the point.

Keep in mind the Bible is the story of God and the revelation of His glory to His creation. Ezekiel is an essential part of that revelation. Ezekiel’s prophecies tell us God will reveal His glory in a new temple. The new temple in Ezekiel is beautiful but remains earthly and temporary. It is a symbol of a new temple, this one found in God incarnate as a man, Jesus Christ. He will be a temple that is destroyed at the cross, then rises to become a more perfect temple that offers peace and safety to God’s people. Jesus will be a temple that establishes His Father’s testimony on a permanent basis, a place for His glory to dwell.

If we take our eyes off the Son and begin wandering too far down rabbit trails like end-times speculation, we miss the big story here, "Jesus is the ultimate manifestation of the glory of God, and we can find peace and safety in Him."

God reveals Himself and His plan, one step at a time, one event at a time, in the Old Testament. He does it this way so that His people will become accustomed to His character and nature, how He operates. This progressive revelation is an act of grace, God preparing the world for the divine and ultimate revelation of His truth in Jesus Christ, leaving no excuse for rejecting Him.

It's almost as if God is saying, "I've been showing this to you for over 4,000 years. Don't miss it when it happens. All judgment and grace for all eternity will revolve around the moment I send my Son."

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