Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Chronological Reading Plan for Aug 25, Lam 3-5

Today's readings are Lam 3-5. Tomorrow's are Eze 1-4. 

The voice of the people is heard in Lam 3:1-20, lamenting their suffering. The author (presumably, Jeremiah) speaks in Lam 3:18-41. He laments his affliction but places his hope in God. Lam 3:37-39 is particularly interesting and may be a bit of a challenge for some. 
"Lamentations 3:37–39 Who has spoken and it came to pass, unless the Lord has commanded it? Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that good and bad come? Why should a living man complain, a man, about the punishment of his sins?"
Confessing that good and bad come from the Lord, the author points out that good, bad and suffering are the results of the inherent sin in mankind and that no one should complain about the just punishment for sin. 

But, the author does not leave us hanging and hopeless. In Lam 3:40-41, we see the remedy for punishment is self-examination and a return to the Lord. He's speaking of heart-felt repentance. 

The residents of Jerusalem reply in Lam 3:42-4:20 expressing their repentance and lamenting the extreme consequences their sin ultimately confessing that they have brought this upon themselves and God has treated them justly. 

This is the heart of true repentance, confessing that God is true and just and turning back toward Him and His goodness. 

The author has the final word in Lam 4:21-22. God has forgiven, He will redeem His people. He reiterates their plight in Lam 5, a reminder of how far they have fallen and the magnitude of God's forgiveness and grace.

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