Saturday, February 6, 2016

Chronological Reading Plan for Feb 7, Ex 25-27

Today's readings are Ex 25-27. Tomorrow's are Exodus 28- 29.

Once God reminds Moses of the details of the covenant, He, in Ex 25 gives him instructions on building an ark to contain evidence of the covenant (symbolizing His grace and mercy), a table for bread (symbolizing the "bread of life"), a lamp stand (symbolism the "light of the world") and a tabernacle in which He will dwell among His people. It's not that God needs a house; it is a shadow of the coming Temple which will be a shadow of the Christ who will dwell inside us. 

The instructions are given in minute detail for God's beautifully detailed creation, made to His precise direction, not to be changed or enhanced by man. God, not those He created, will design and fashion His dwelling.  

Much gold, silver, precious metals and stone are required. Where would a nomadic people, constantly on the move, acquire such riches? They have the gold and treasure of Egypt! Remember? It's another reminder that the gifts God gives us are to be used to honor Him! It's also a reminder that God has purpose for everything that occurs in our life.  

Every facet of the tabernacle has meaning and symbolism. If you'd like to read in more detail about it, try this link. You will see the incredibly intricate way God has designed the temporary home for Himself as a way to demonstrate His presence among His people and a way to point toward their permanent home with Him. 

The unfolding events at Sinai are a powerful testimony that God uses the day-to-day circumstances of our lives to bring us into fellowship with Himself and into worship of Him. God sent His people to Egypt and brought them out, leading them to Sinai and now shows them how they will worship Him. The beautiful aspect of this is that it all points us toward the truth that our lives are fashioned by Him in intricate detail to bring us into His presence and to worship Him.

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