Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Chronological Reading Plan for Feb 4, Ex 16-18

Today's readings are Ex 16-18. Tomorrow's are Ex 19-21. 

Ex 16 sees God's people moving on toward new areas but having the same, familiar struggles. They have been in Elim and are moving to the Wilderness of Sin (don't make too much of the name...well, maybe a little). It's a trip of about 50 miles, roughly, the distance between Baltimore, MD and Wash D.C.

The people begin to complain again. This time, there's not enough food. God graciously provides quail and manna. The manna falls from the sky each day. There are very simple, very clear rules on how they are to gather it and eat it. They get it wrong! Still, God provides it every day, except on the Sabbath, for 40 years, an astounding display of His patience and grace, the same type of grace that we receive even though we fail in much the same manner.

In Ex 17, they arrive at Rephidim, about 35 miles to the ESE. There they complain about the lack of water. God tells Moses to strike the rock at Meribah (about 6 miles to the North of Rephidim). The people want to know if God is really among them. Ironically (again), they are at Horeb when all this happens. Horeb is where Moses encountered the burning bush. It is also where God promised he would bring His children when they left Egypt. Horeb is actually a range of mountains, the largest of which is Mount Sinai. They are watching the faithfulness of God at every turn...and complaining! Still, God is patient with them. Moses strikes the rock, water flows from the rock! God provides "living water", not because of His people, but in spite of them. 

Amalek, a neighboring tribe, attacks! The Hebrews defeat them but only when Aaron and Hur hold Moses arms up. Moses raises his hands to God and, as long as they are raised toward Him, the Hebrews prevail. This is not a mystical sign, it is a sign of supplication and surrender to the power of God, who has now given them military power and victory, another shadow of what is to come. As usual, there is a lesson here for us, as well. Moses is God's chosen leader for Israel. Those around him are called to support him and share the burdens of leadership. Moses has no power of his own. As a matter of fact, we see Moses's frailty in his inability to keep his hands raised by himself. Moses does, however, bear the mark of God's presence and power, the staff. In it, we see that the Lord s ultimately the One responsible for the victory. Our personal victory comes in our surrender to God, in our human weakness and in being set apart for His purposes. We do none of this ourselves, but as part of a body of believers who, working together, become vessels of God's power and presence.  During the battle, we meet a young leader named Joshua. 

In Ex 18, Moses's father-in-law gives him wise advice on dividing up the responsibility to lead and judge providing a godly sociological/governmental structure. This will impact the Hebrews for many years to come. We also get our first hint at the concept of plurality of leadership. It's not a fully-formed practice yet, but it will continue to develop. 

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