Saturday, February 20, 2016

Chronological Reading Plan for Feb 21, Lev 24-25

Today's readings are Lev 24-25. Tomorrow's are Lev 26-27.

Lev 24 tells us the lamps in the Tabernacle are to remain lit continuously, a symbol that the light of the world will never go out. Likewise, the bread is a "perpetual due" showing the "bread of life" is limitless and never ending. Punishment for blaspheming the name of the Lord is severe. God will not be mocked or taken casually. We also see that the laws of God apply to the Jew and those who are not Jewish. This includes everybody! In this we see that not being part of the people of God does not exempt one from judgment. When judgment comes, the punishment must fit the crime (an eye for an eye). Not only is God's perfect justice established but we see the just and fit punishment of death for sin (blasphemy and disobedience to God), applies to everyone. The only way to escape doom, since all have sinned, is to obtain mercy and grace from the Judge.

Lev 25 repeats the divine cycle of six and one we saw in Genesis 1 & 2, six periods of work/productivity, one period of rest. Just as God worked, then rested, so must His people. This applies to their daily lives, their yearly cycles and even their crops. It is all meant to emulate an eternal promise, His children work now, then obtain rest later.

Everything belongs to God, even the land. So, every seven years, the land reverts back to whom He originally gave it. Provision is made for the poor, just as those who are poor in spirit will be made rich in spirit. The nation of Israel was enslaved then set free. So, slaves are to be set free after six years of bondage. This is a remembrance of the deliverance from bondage of the Hebrews. But it's also an homage to the truth that God's people are meant to be free in Him. The sacrifices and rituals symbolize that freedom.

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