Sunday, January 24, 2016

Chronological Reading Plan for Jan 25

Today's readings are Gen 38-40. Tomorrow's are Gen 41-42. 

Look at the people in these closing chapters of Genesis carefully. We're looking at the pillars of the Bible, the foundations of our faith, the revered names and places we all know. We see them for exactly who they are, normal people with normal struggles...just like you and me. There's not a single individual in these passages that is a holy, sanctified, super-spiritual man or woman of God. None of them get it all right. 

Still, God is using them, refining them, teaching them, loving them and moving them forward. Why? Certainly not because they have earned His affection! But, because He is God, He has a plan and He will use normal, flawed, struggling people to bring that plan to fruition. 

We have hope, not because of who we are or what we do, but because we have a God that is able to take our imperfections and make something beautiful out of them, just as He's doing with Jacob. 

Keep your eyes open. We're about to see that God is gracious and loving (we've clearly seen that, so far)...but there is a price to pay for disobedience.  

In ch 38, it becomes clear that Jacob's sons are beginning to slide further into the things they were told to avoid and letting the native people have a heavy influence on them. Judah takes a wife from among the Canaanites and another from Er. Needless to say, things do not go well. 

Meanwhile, Joseph is prospering in Egypt, in spite of his brothers' evil intent. We'll see, as Joseph's story unfolds, that God will use Joseph to remove Jacob and his backsliding sons from the evil influence of the Canaanites. 

Once again, we see God's grace, intervening even when His children are unfaithful and weak. He chastises them, but moves them, protects them and provides for them. Notice how God is working in Joseph's life and the life of his family long before they are able to see His hand moving. The foundation for the move to Egypt is being laid! 

It makes me wonder what foundations are being built in my life right now. What is God doing, behind the scenes in each of our lives that will bring His gracious provision and protection when we need it most?

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