Sunday, November 29, 2015

The Next Chapter - Taking God at His Word, Ch 2

CH 2 - Something More Sure

DeYoung cautions us against believing that God does not normally speak to us through His word and desiring something more in the way of a personal revelation. It's far too easy to allow something we "feel in our heart" to take priority over the written word which was given to us by those who actually witnessed the events in the Bible, then were inspired by the Holy Spirit to write them down. The key to the inspired word is its perfection and innerrancy, something our personal impressions and leadings lack. 

This makes Scripture the only objective and reliable guideline for our life and our walk. If we believe the Bible is truly inspired by God, then we have to accept three things it says about itself:

  • It is the word of God
The authority of God lies in the written word, in the text of the Bible. It's easy to struggle with this idea, primarily because it demands that we deal with what the text actually says rather than what we sometimes feel that it should say;
"Some people don’t like written texts and propositions because they imply a stable, fixed meaning, and people don’t want truth to be fixed. They would rather have inspiration be more subjective, more internal, more experiential. But according to 2 Peter 1:19–21, the inspiration of holy Scripture is an objective reality outside of us."
 The good news DeYoung brings is that an adherence to the text does not negate subjective experience. It does, however, provide a barometer to measure experiences and feelings against. The text becomes the final authority in where our hearts want to lead us.

  • It is no less divine because it is given through human instrumentality.
Inspiration was a supernatural event. God spoke through the personalities of the men He used to write the Scriptures. They were not robots or stenographers. But the text tells us men spoke and wrote "as they were carried along" by the Spirit. This keeps the word flawless and perfect, fully inspired by God, in every way, through men who were moved by the Spirit.

  • It is without error.
"Scripture did not come from the will of man; it came from God. And if it is God's word then it must all be true. For in Him there can be no error or deceit."
 The chapter closes with this assurance; We have nothing more sure that the word of God. This speaks directly to the notion that we can reliably depend on something, anything outside of Scripture. 
"Do you talk about Scripture the way the apostles talked about Scripture? You can think too highly of your interpretations of Scripture, but you cannot think too highly of Scripture’s interpretation of itself. You can exaggerate your authority in handling the Scriptures, but you cannot exaggerate the Scriptures’ authority to handle you. You can use the word of God to come to wrong conclusions, but you cannot find any wrong conclusions in the word of God. You do not need another special revelation from God outside the Bible. You can listen to the voice of God every day. Christ still speaks, because the Spirit has already spoken. If you want to hear from God, go to the book that records only what he has said. Immerse yourself in the word of God. You will not find anything more sure."
This chapter can be a challenge to those who frequently "hear from God." The question we should all ask ourselves is whether or not those words we hear are actually from Him or merely the desires of our hearts leading us. There's nothing wrong with hearing the Holy Spirit lead us. After all He is our guide (Ps 143:10). Trouble arises when we depend more on the inner leading than we do on the written word. The leading we feel should always be subject to what the Bible says. It should never be the other way around.

What have been your experiences in these areas? How do you hear from God? What is your check and balance in how you make decisions in life?  


  1. These are good points he makes here - nothing matters in the end if it is not echoed in the word of God, for what God says is the foundation of all. As the Bereans listened eagerly to Paul but then verified what he said NT what God said in written words, so I find I must personally check my own ideas and beliefs by the word. One measure of this is how much I yearn for His word (Psalm 119).

  2. Ohhh...nice tie-in with the previous chapter, David. I didn't see that one.Thanks

  3. The bible in at least one place says that it is profitable for the teaching reproof to make the man of GOD whole and in psalm it it says to meditate on his word day and night. As noted J.i. paker says that we need not more extra revolution for GOD'S word, but for me I need more guidance for his word as Mr. De Young says. This helps me to understand the word of GOD better. As this chapter says it is seficent to tech but as a person of limited knowledge it goes over my head a lot.

    Thanh you for this study
