Tuesday, March 17, 2015

An Open Letter to My Grandson

Alistair, I watch you gaze in wide-eyed wonder at the world and the people around you and realize that there is so much that lies before you, waiting for you, as you struggle to crawl, then tentatively step, then walk confidently, and finally run toward it. Take your time, savor the love and warmth of your home and family. All too soon, the running will come, decisions will have to be made, roads chosen and new homes occupied. Don't disdain these years. Don't hurry to get through them. They are important and will teach you the things you will need to get you through those that are coming. 

I've been praying for you, praying you will come to know and love the Lord the same way your Mom and Dad do and like your sister is learning to do. Follow their example. There will be times when it won't be easy, even hard. If you start reading your Bible early on, you'll see that God promises to usher us through those hard times, showing us grace when we stumble and strengthening us when we need Him. He's always there, always listening, always loving us, always planning the very best for us, even if we don't always feel like it's true. The only path to Him is in His only Son Jesus Christ. I praise God you are surrounded by people who have fully embraced this awesome truth. 

All these things are important. I don't think your world is going to be much like mine. My world is a place where I can share my faith freely, without reservation or fear of persecution. I've had the blessing of living in a society that has respect for God and His church, even if they didn't always like either. My walk of faith, like so many others, has been relatively easy with little need for sacrifice, discipline and dependence on the promises we read in the Bible. 

I'm not sure that has served us very well. 

Even as I watch the gospel become increasingly self-centered with self-serving promises and benefits, I realize there is much my generation may have gotten wrong. There are certainly those who have been sounding the warning. There always are. God promises there will be. Your Dad is one of them. He knows God's word will never die or fade away. 

Few have listened to them. Many have embraced half-a gospel. I see a lot of self-congratulatory, self-exalting,  high-fiving going on in the church of the early 21st Century and not a lot of humility, nor love for the lost nor desire for holiness. I fear all this may be backfiring on the church.

It's just that...well...I also see the world we live in reacting to the church and believers in a different manner than what I'm used to. We're no longer tolerated as nice-but-ill-informed folks. This has been growing for a number of years. I fear that the intolerance of the move toward tolerance is intolerating us out of the mainstream. I always have to smile at the thought that it seems to be OK to be anything, anymore, just as long as it's not Christian. This is a new thought for me and a lot of other Christians. The reality of this sad new state of affairs may be dawning on us a little late. 

Your walk of faith may be quite a bit more difficult than mine.

If it is, I'd like to think you'll be able to recall the days when it was such a struggle to crawl your way across the dining room floor in that beautiful, comfortable home in Rutland, VT. You literally dragged yourself, with tremendous tenacity, but with such incredible joy and eager anticipation at where you were headed, it was infectious and exhilarating, making me warm inside just to watch, giving me hope for you and your generation.

Drag yourself into the word of God, daily, Alistair. Do it with that same tenacity, that same eye on where you're headed and that same joy at being able to move down the path to get there. Whatever deep or dark waters you navigate, it will get you through them. Whatever giants you may face, it will equip you to battle them. Whatever joys you may be blessed with, it will show you who to be thankful to for them. It is the answer to every question, the solution to every problem and the key to every door you encounter. If your world is dark, it is the light. If your world is light and glorious, it is a brighter light and a greater glory than you can possibly imagine. 

I love you, Alistair. I hope to see the day you can love me. But, more than that, I pray with all my heart and soul that you love the Lord more than anything or anyone else. He is the light of my world, He will be the light of yours, as well. 

Much love, 
Grandpa K 

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