Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Newcomers - Feb 2011

Once again, the Wards (Andy, Laurie, Drew, Amanda & Adam) hosted a night of fellowship designed for families that are new to the church to come together with the leadership of Warrenton Bible Fellowship and ask questions of who we are and where we're going. This particular night was loaded with an abundance of good families, good food, good fellowship and good questions!

May we introduce you to our new friends and a couple "old" ones as well?

In alphabetical order... please meet: David Aiello, Wally Bolen, and Jonathan and Amy Caron (with one of their five).

Next meet Dyan and Steve Croushore (sans children), Scott and Nancy Grove (and their 2 children), Bonnie Kristian (without her boyfriend Peter St. Jean who attends with her), and Pat Nutz (Joyce, his wife was not able to attend).

Also in attendance was Charlie and Gina Phelps, Bo Pride and Eldred and Vineeta Ribeiro (with 4 of their 6 children).

I did promise a couple of old faces, but John and I didn't have a picture taken of us! I guess our secretary Diane and her hubby Jon Strang (both younger than John and me!) and Pastor Bob (yep, him too!) will have to fill the bill!

Great to meet and greet you ALL and blessings as you make WBF your home with us.


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