Sunday, July 4, 2010

Up On The Roof....

There are literally thousands of hotels in Rome. We're staying near the center of the city and it seems there are three or four on every block. The architecture is amazingly beautiful and quite colorful everywhere you look. Many of the hotels have been built into very old but well kept buildings. Nonetheless, they are very modern inside. Our hotel, The Nuova Roma (take a look, this is considered a three star hotel in Rome!) has a magnificent lobby accented with colored marble and huge seating areas. It seems to be typical of most of the hotels we've seen in passing. The staff here is very gracious and most of them speak English.

Most of the hotels have rooftop garden areas. Ours is particularly nice and provides a stunning view of the city. Kelly and I had our first dinner in Rome Thursday evening and took some pictures from up there and some additional from the balcony outside our room. Later we strolled along the streets outside our hotel. The city is absolutely alive with activity late into the evening, filled with sidewalk cafes and ice cream (gelato) and pastry shops. It was a beautiful and romantic evening.

Here are the shots from our balcony and the roof, accompanied by Carol King singing .......guess what?

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