Saturday, July 24, 2010

Technical Difficulties

We have been really enjoying our postings from Greece. Thanks for all the responses and following along. I thought it best to explain why we haven't posted the last few days.

We have both experienced computer crashes since we arrived in Greece! Kelly's power cord shorted out and we're waiting for a replacement to get here from the States. My crash was a bit more serious, I had a hard drive failure. We found a man on Thassos a who is replacing it at a reasonable cost but we may have lost some of our pictures from last week. We should know more tomorrow.

Meanwhile, I found a blogger app for the iPad, which has turned out to be a much bigger blessing that we imagined. If I can figure out how to use it, we may be able to post more frequently until we get our computers back up and running. I don't think we're going to be able to do photos though.

Exciting news! We have been invited to go to Bulgaria with our new friends/landlords, Julian and Jenny. They would like to show us where they met, the chapel they got married in and their villa in the mountains. We're currently working on schedules with them.

Tomorrow, I will speak again at Thassos Christian Fellowship. They have asked me to finish my teaching on James 1. This has been another week of testing as I have had to prepare without my computer. God has been good, though and, by His grace, I think I'm ready. I was able to use the iPad to access online resources.

If this posting goes through, we'll bring some more updates. It's been an exciting week!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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