Shepherd’s Conference Wrap Up
I became voracious in my pursuit of understanding doctrine, theology and proper interpretation of the Bible. I came home with over $800 worth of new books and started my library. I wanted to read and learn from men who had devoted their lives to preaching, teaching and understanding God's word. I wanted to devote the rest to my life to the same effort. It was during a chance encounter with John MacArthur on campus during that first conference that I was also challenged to become an expositor. What a conference! What a golden opportunity! I am so grateful for the patient and godly Elders at WBF for allowing aadn encouraging me to go. But, that was just the beginning. I've been back 6 more times since then. Each one has had, in its own unique way, more challenges and more teaching. Each speaker has offered up some gift, some jewel, some precious insight or teaching to add to my growing bag of gems collected from our conference times. Every time I have the privilege to attend a well chosen conference, God takes me a little deeper and teaches me a little more. It really is an amazing display of His depth, mercy and grace. But it also reminds me of how far the Lord has bought me since that sunny day 6 years ago. And, even better, it reminds me of how much I have to learn and how far I have to go. So, here's a recap of this year's conference from 35,000 feet. John Macarthur is an amazing teacher. He never fails to challenge and never fails to equip. His use and exposition of Scripture is without peer and his commitment to the truth is total. He jealously guards the Word of God and treats it like the invaluable gift it is, approaching it with reverence, respect, awe and passion. He recruits men with similar passions to speak to us, Steve Lawson may be t Al Mohler is gifted to expound, explain and expand on God's word like no one else I've seen. Culturally sensitive but uncompromising, he demonstrates that God's word can be preached and taught without dilution and with authority and boldness. The rest of the men we heard; Phil Johnson, Rick Holland and Tom Pennington, although on staff with MacArthur, are neither clones of him nor merely followers. They bring their own passions and giftings to the pulpit and God uses them just as powerfully. We were a group of 7 men this year. Each of us comes away with something special, a particular teaching or a profound insight. Three of them have told me they are coming home challenged and changed. They have had the same life-changing, perception altering experience I have been having for the last 6 years at this confernece and others we have attended. These things don't happen because the men who speak are famous. They happen because there is a supernatural synergy that occurs when you gather a large group of people, remove the distractions of daily life and focus on the word of God together. A conference like this one is like a retreat on steroids. The teaching comes at you hot and heavy. At times, it seems too much to absorb. But somehow, with the help of the Holy Spirit, you hold on to it. The fellowship is always sweet and intimate, which should come as no surprise when the focus is on Christ and nothing else. As God draws us to Himself, we naturally come closer to each other as well. In one fell swoop, the Lord teaches us, equips us, binds us together, humbles us and enables us. The beautiful part is that we get to come home and share it with the rest of the body of Christ at WBF and in Warrenton. We get to use what we've learned and convey it to those around us. It's God's own ongoing education plan! It was an honor to be with each of these men. It's was an honor to walk beside them while God worked in all of our lives. It's an honor to be part of a church that sees the value in all this. It's an honor to be able to serve in this way.We come home exhausted, elated and edified.Well, we're on our way home from another Shepherd's Conference. I went to my first one in 2003, when Peter Ristau and I attended. That one was a life-changing event for me. I had never heard such powerful and solid teaching from so many men that were so committed to studying and preaching the truth of God's word. The pivotal moment in that conference came early for me, during the evening session of the first day. R. C. Sproul was speaking about grace. While I listened to him, I realized my desperate need to form a personal theology based on something more than previous experience and a shallow reading of the Bible. Sproul challenged us that evening to read the Book of Romans (particularly Chs. 7 -9) objectively, without preconception and asking the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth. Peter and I went back to our room that evening and read through Romans. It was one of those transcendent moments where I realized that my conception of God was based on incomplete teaching and errant theology. I knew that had to change if I was ever to take ministry seriously.
he best preacher I've ever heard. He brings clarity, emotion, conviction and respect to the pulpit. His love for the Scriptures is evident in how vociferously he defends them.
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