Dr. Lawson has become a traditional high point of the Shepherd's Conference. This year was no exception. He spoke with eloquence and authority. His text was Gal 1:6-10 and his theme was "Guarding the Gospel".
Lawson began by reminding us that every generation has had to fight for the purity of the Gospel…and so must we.
Dr. Lawson addressed 4 truths found in the passage:
Paul's amazement (vs 6-7) – He is bewildered that the Galatians are falling away from God so quickly. God is the gospel!
In His Gospel we can see
- His holiness
- His wrath against sin
- His righteousness
- His grace
- His power
- His truth
- His sovereignty
- The Galatians are turning to a different Gospel, a non-saving, non-sanctifying gospel and this is not a gospel at all!
- We should be amazed that so many in our time are doing the same thing
Paul's adversaries – Those who are corrupting the truth, false teachers. He identifies them by what they teach.
They were teaching that human works were necessary for human sanctification (Gal 2:1).
These are the same adversaries of the gospel today
Many claim that salvation comes with faith and (fill in the blank…works, righteous deeds, etc)
- It comes through faith alone (Gla 2:16)
- Many more deny the essential doctrines of the faith
The true Gospel is found in Gal 1:3-4
- The Lord Jesus Christ
- Who give Himself for our sins
- So that He might save us
- From this evil age
Paul's anathema – Gal 1:8
Paul leaves no room neutrality, inclusiveness, passivity or lack of conv

iction. He makes very strong statements
But he's not done yet (Gal 1:9)
- He condemns and curses false teachers
All this is found in the beginning of the book
- Where Paul usually has salutations and commendations
He has no time or inclination for 'dialogue'
- Only time for declaration of the truth
Paul's aim – Gal 1:10
Who is he trying to please…..men or God
There are no other options, it has to be one or the other
- A man pleaser would never hurl an anathema or a curse
- "if we seek to please God, it doesn't matter who we displease. If we displease God, it doesn't matter who we please."
- Matt 6:24 – no man can serve two masters.
- There is only one message that pleases God, His one true Gospel
Lawson closed with a quote by Adrian Rogers, "The problem with preachers today is that no one wants to kill them anymore!"
Here are some photos taken around campus today:
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