Monday, March 31, 2008

Guest Blogger, Kelly!

I just returned home from a very long road trip only to find out that, over the last two days, my Mom's condition has taken a turn for the worse. They are moving her from the rehab facility to the local hospital in Youngstown tonight. I'll be leaving for Ohio tomorrow morning. I really appreciate all your prayers.

Meanwhile, I was getting caught up on my emails when I ran across an email from Kelly to the worship team. She's not only a beautiful wife, but a great writer as well! Let me share with you what she shared with them:

Thanks. It's funny, but today I was thinking about the writers of the Gospels. Each told the story of Jesus with their own personality trademarks, yet each one is consistent and unique at the same time. Each book is dear and precious; none of the four is a "lesser" book.

I'm sorry that some people are life givers and others are life takers with their words or lack thereof. I think God's testimony inside us must be our anchor in conjunction with His Word which never changes. I feel strongly that I am called - called to be a helper, called to be obedient, called to worship Him with abandon, called to be an example (oops - that's the one I fail at too often!). The calling is strong and keeps me persevering. I broke into tears when Ron read the scripture at the end of worship on Easter Sunday. "After a little while..." Darn those little whiles, but they are necessary. (I'm not sure this is the text, but it fits too...1Pet5:10 After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you.)Yes, input from the body is necessary too. I hope that I've developed a thick enough skin through working in a creative medium in the secular field that I'd be able to receive criticism. Ah, but the flesh... Show me grace please. Remind me I need to do the same for everyone else too.
May the God of all mercy continue to use us, as vessels of honor - to His glory.


1 comment:

  1. Don't know if it matters to anyone but myself; I sent a followup email exclaiming "I'm called to pray too! How could I forget?" Even thinking now, I'm also called to submit to authority and probably lots of other things too if I stopped to think some more...but it's bedtime! blessings, KK
