2008 Shepherd’s Conference – Session #8, John MacArthur
What is the core confession of Christianity, the one that should govern our life and our church? It is, "Jesus is Lord", the great Christian confession (Rom 10, 1 Cor 12:30). Contemporary Evangelism says Jesus want to be our 'personal savior', He wants to have a 'personal relationship' with us. The problem with this perspective is that we define the relationship. In all reality, Satan has a 'personal' relationship with Jesus…not a very good one, but a personal one nonetheless, the demons have a "personal' relationship with Him, everyone has a 'personal' relationship with Him. The exact and eternal nature of the personal relationship, good or bad, is defined by God…..not us. The modern idea of what this personal relationship is, is this; you will be happy, you will prosper, all your problems will go away, you can have your best life…now! Jesus is not our buddy! He is Lord! He said it to believers and He said ti to unbelievers. He is our sovereign Lord and Master (John 3:13). The full impact and reality of this statement has been eclipsed in the church for centuries. 1. Jesus is Lord (kurios) – in the New Testament 747 times, in Acts alone, 92 times. Kurios means "one who ahs absolute authority and the total right to command. It has a synonym, despotes. Kurios means 'sovereign Lord" despotes means 'absolute Lord'. In Jude 4, both words are used as synonyms for each other. Jesus is our sovereign and absolute ruler. Ultimately, kurios means He owns slave. He's not sovereign over people who have an option, He's not an absolute ruler over people who have a choice. As Christians, our livers are defined as being submitted to His absolute authority. We give up all control, we "take up our cross" (die) and follow Him. There is no such thing as a Master without a slave. Jesus is Lord and those who call Him Lord are is slaves (Luke 6:46), "If I'm Lord, then you're a slave!" 2. Christians are salves (doulos). Doulos appears 130 times in the NT. 1 Cor 7:22-23 says we are Christ's slaves. Here's something important. Doulos means only…slave. It never means 'servant'. It never means 'bond-servant'. It means a person owned with no rights, no freedom to self determination, no standing. A slave could not own property, give testimony in court, seek reparations from someone, had no autonomy and no freedom. Kittel says of the meaning of the Word, "It is unequivocal. It is distinct from servant. It defines someone who does not do what he does by choice and is subject to an alien will." Here's the problem. Doulos is rarely ever translated as 'slave'. Most English translators have decided to translate it as 'servant' even though it is not accurate. Why is this?.....'Slave' is offensive! We have been shielded from the meaning of this word. "Slavery' indicates you are owned and it requires absolute, unqualified submission to the Master. Matt 6:24 – no man can be a slave to two masters….no man can be owned by two owners. A 'servant' works for someone and gets paid for it. A 'slave' is owned by someone. True, Biblical evangelism mans to become a 'slave' to Jesus. This is self denial. Self denial is not our dominant thought pattern. If we get this concept, the New Testament "opens up like a flower". For instance, look at two Scriptural phrases; "…count the cost.." and "we are bought with a price." Denial of Christ is condemnation, denial of self is salvation. The evangelists of the 1st Century Church said to the Jews, "Messiah is God. Messiah was killed by the Jews, using the Romans.' This was an offense and a great stumbling block to the Jews. They said to the gentiles, "Jesus is God of the universe." Another great offense and it sounded foolish to the gentiles. They said to all of them, everyone, "You must become salves to God." This was the most counter-culture message ever delivered! It offended everybody! God made it impossible to do without Him! The Bible never commends nor condemns the practice of slavery itself. It Once this sinks in, we can see why the Bible says we were chosen, we were bought, owned, subjected, disciplined, protected, provided for and rewarded. John 15:10 says "…if you keep my commandments." Vs 12 says, "…this is my commandment." Vs 14 says, "Do what I command you." Vs 17 says, "This I command you." A fundamental issue in slavery is obedience. Yet we see that we are slaves….and friends. In the culture, a slave could 'get into the inner circle' of people around an owner. When he did the mark of distinction for that slave was that he got to know what the Master was doing and why he was doing it. It's the same with us and the Lord. He has revealed what He is doing and why He is doing it. How? In 1 Cor 2:16, it says we have the mind of Christ. HE shows us what He's thinking and why. This demonstrates that we are His friends. If we get this…look what happens to the prosperity gospel…gone. Look what happens to the market driven gospel…..gone! Look what happens to subjective and arbitrary truth…..gone! Look what happens to the seeker friendly gospel…..gone! Jesus is our Lord, provider and protector. He intercedes, justifies, disciplines and rewards us. One day we will sit on the throne with Him as joint heirs. What a Master we have! Philippians' 2:3-5 shows the proper slave attitude. Jesus took the form of a slave, He became obedient unto death. He denied Himself and obeyed. Because of it, God exalted Him. Jesus is Lord! We are also sons, branches, the bride etc. Slavery is one component of our relationship with Him. In luke 17:7ff, the salve is not thanked for doing what was commanded, he was expected to do it because that what a slave does, he obeys. The final session this evening was a stunning sermon delivered by Dr. MacArthur. It was based on John 15:14-15 and the theme was, "We Are Slaves of Jesus Christ".
merely uses the concept to illustrate our relationship with the Lord. The Apostles understood it. They lived in a world where it was a constant reality. Asking freemen to become salves was absurd! Colossians 4:12 says 'bond-salve' but the Greek word is doulas. In 2 Tim 2:4, Pastors are doulas. ! Peter 2:16 says "freemen in Christ should use their freedom as Doulas of God. All believers are 'doulas', slaves of God, slaves not servants. Servants get paid and work for whom they choose to work for. Servants are not bought…slaves are. We will never stop being salves because He will never stop being Lord.
It was a great sermon, but have a listen to a short soundbite from Wayne Grudem disscussing the word doulos over at theologybites.blogspot.com for a slightly different understanding.