2008 Shepherd’s Conference – Session #6, Steve Lawson
The Bible is a superior, supernatural weapon. It changes lives. It changes history. It has been put into our hands. It is like a 'sword'; it is living, active, cuts, pierces, penetrates, exposes, divides and saves. We must use it wisely. There are 7 distinguishing marks of this sword; 1. It is Divine. It is the Word of God. It is God's book and God's message. It has only 1 primary Author. It may have 40+ secondary authors but only I primary Author. It is Divine. David says so in Psalm 119. It is the law, testimony, precepts, commandments, fear and judgment of the Lord. Jesus says so in Matt 4:4. Paul Says so on 1 Thess 2:13 and Romans 3:2. Mark 7:8 and Rev 1:2 say that the Word is of Divine origin, authorship, message and authority. The Bible is not a collection of the wisdom of the world. It demands from us, as preachers of the Word: humility to say, speak, warn and promise what Scripture says. As preachers of the Word, we must have dignity as people called and commissioned to carry His Word in a befitting manner. As preachers of His Word, we must have authority in the way we speak because we minister a Divine Word (Titus 2:15). 2. It is a living Word. The Bible is like no other book. It is a supernatural Book. It has the life of God. All other books are dead. It has the power to save. Moses said, "It is not an idle Word, indeed it is you life!" (John 6:63, Acts 7:38, 1 Peter 1:23). We read other books, this Book reads us. It is totally relevant, contemporary and alive, It is never flat, empty or tired. It does not need our help to be relevant or important. It is our invincible weapon. 3. It is a powerful Word. It is active, dynamic and energetic. It bears the essentials of life and has the power to; convict, comfort, conform and console. It is empowered by the Holy Spirit. It has the power to save, sanctify, strengthen, steer and sustain (Isaiah 55). Acts 2:37 says it has the power to pierce. In Acts 5:33 we see that it is powerful enough to cut to the quick!. Lawson said, "As a preacher of the Word, when you walk into a room you either duck or pucker!' It will either refine or offend! 4. It is a razor sharp Word. No instrument is sharper. It is "all edge" (razor). Every way it cuts, it does so with razor sharp precision. Every word, every verse, every chapter, every book is sharp and can cut with surgical precision. It cuts deep into the soul of a man. It cuts both ways, "It can comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable". It can save or damn. It is the Law and grace in equal measure. It exposes by conviction and covers up by forgiveness. 5. It is a piercing Word. It penetrates into the inner depths of man. It gets 6. It is a judging Word. Once the heart is pierced and the soul is laid bare, the Word begins to judge what is exposed. The ministry of the Word is to expose our lost condition and drive us to the Lord. Hebrews tell us that Scripture is sufficient and capable to judge the intentions of the heart. No creature..nothing any creature does is hidden from His sight. The Word opens us up and allows us to see ourselves as God sees us. All things are made visible. It strips down the conscience. It exposes the heart. We stand before God naked and realize we are sinners and have fallen short of His glory. Sinners will stand before God hopeless and helpless, dependant totally upon His grace and His mercy. Only the Word of god can ever convince sinners that they need a Savior. 7. It is a saving Word. It judges for a higher purpose; that sinners might receive His grace and mercy. Through His Word, God call sinners unto Himself. We are not to try by our own efforts, but we are to enter into His rest. Our privilege is to minister the sword that pierces in judgment and cuts in salvation, one that brings men into a place of no condemnation. The sword must be unsheathed if victory is to be won. We should never enter the pulpit unarmed. We should never try to fight with less powerful weapons like; cultural imperatives, church growth plans, psychological approaches or other faddy gimmicks. This is like trying to perform surgery with a butter knife. We are powerless and unable to do anything without the Word. As preachers, we have nothing to say other than the Word of God.Dr. Lawson is a noted author and the Senior Pastor of Christ Fellowship Baptist Church in Mobile, AL. HE spoke powerfully out of Hebrews 4:12-13. The title of his talk was "The Preacher's Invincible Weapon".
through to our innermost parts. Without it our ministry is only superficial. The Bible cuts, penetrates and pierces. People will hide behind a number of facades including one of religion. The Word of God cuts through every defense…not to harm…but to heal. Only God's Word can get to the bottom of someone's life. It cuts to the joints and marrow. It exposes everything that needs to be exposed. It is brain surgery. It is heart surgery. It is a preacher's invincible weapon.
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