Friday, June 29, 2007

Minneapolis - Day 3

Another pretty long day but with great results!

We heard Rollo Casiple speak on God's glory this morning, a real passionate sermon on Moses on the mountain. His point was that God's glory is right before us and we don't always see it. It changes our lives when we realize that we have been basking in it. Then it begins to radiate from us and change the people around us.

Lunch was great today! Meat! Turkey and chicken salad sandwiches!

We went to an open dabate on the Statement of Faith. Things went very well and I was impressed by all the hard work that went into this latest version.

Then we had the business meeting. Let me make that the " b u s i n e s s m e e t i n g " only it was much more drawn out than that. We affirmed the Rules of Transition regarding the proposed Statement of Faith. They will become effective if the Sof is approved next year, which will quite likely happen. The new Statement was presented to the convention and now will be available for the next year for all of us to look at and discuss. I'll bring copies to the service Sunday morning or you can read it here;Proposed Revision

The business meeting ran late so Bob and I missed the bus back to our hotel and dinner! The guy in the coffee shop (did I mention this was the biggest church in the entire universe? Of course it had a coffee shop!) scrounged some sandwiches up for us and gave them to us! Is God good or what!

The evening service was fantastic! Worship, for me, was moving! I was reminded that there will come a day when we stand before the Lord and see Him face to face! What will my worship look like on that day? Will I complain about the music? Will I grumble that it's not my style? I'd like to think that I will raise my hands in absolute wonder at what He has done. I'd like to think that I will offer my heart up to Him, completely open and ready to experience His presence at its' fullest and most glorious radiance. I'd like to think that I would be so humbled by Him and that my spirit would be lifted up in His strength and love, ready to empty myself of all that hindered my communion with Him so that He could touch me at my deepest point.

Here's the great news, we can have all that now! I got a taste of it tonight! If only we would allow ourselves to worship Him completely, in spirit and in truth (our spirit, His truth). Once the distractions are removed, once we are able to set aside our own self centered pride, once we focus ourselves completely on Him, then we can't help but be overwhelmed by His beauty and power ..........and we worship. It's a natural state for us and one we all will have to get used to. We're going to spend a lot of time doing it once we get "up there" so we might as well get started now!

The speaker tonight was Steve Goold. He spoke on God's Sovereignty and brought eveything we have heard up till now into focus. He gave us the part I was looking for, the "how to". He spoke on the Samaritan woman at the well telling us we have to reach out to these folks with respect and encouragement. He outlined six steps in reaching out to our neighbors;
1. Establish intentional contact
2. Take time to talk
3. Seek out ways to encourage
4. Explore obvious distinctions
5. Present the truth boldly
6. Seek a response to Jesus

It was a great message delivered with passion and conviction. It made the convention meaningful and cohesive for me.

I'm looking forward to getting home tomorrow. I miss my wife and family. I miss being with all of you. It has been a great conference but, as usual, the sweetest part is the homecoming. See you Sunday morning!

1 comment:

  1. Heavens to Betsy! Your booklist is full of good'uns! Piper? Murray? R. C.? Can't get much better than that!
