Monday, June 25, 2007


Welcome to my blog! I hope this can be a way for us to exchange ideas, dialogue and maybe even challenge each other. I will make entries on a regular basis, talking about things that pop up, concerns I have, areas of interest, etc. I'm hoping that you'll find it engaging and insightful. I hope that you'll respond as well. I also pray that everything we share here will be edifying, uplifting and worthy of honor to our Father in heaven.

So, why "The View From My Chair"? I want to share with you how things look from where I sit. How things impact me and how I see them impacting the body of Christ in general and, at times, WBF in particular. I am so awe struck at what God has done and is doing among us, I want a chance to share my thoughts, dreams, challenges and blessings. Maybe you'll get a chance to see things through my eyes and maybe I'll get the same chance to see them through yours.

Let the blogging begin!


  1. Greetings John,
    I look forward to reading your blog. These last few months, since I moved to TX, I have found it difficult to tune into WBF sermons. So I am glad you are providing another avenue that I can tap into.

    Best wishes and God bless you, Kelley and WBF.

    Jim Baker

  2. very cool - love the picture, funny that it changed from this morning...

  3. I notice the cup that is seen doesn't have a precisely lined up cardboard drink holder...must belong to some other Latte drinker!

  4. Hi John, note the comment from jim....I have a mac and cannot download the sermons - just get 20 minutes and they just stop....anyway, i thought since you are so Internet savvy you could fix that for us latency attenders :) Faye

  5. Thanks, Faye. I've asked Robert Bach, our webmaster, to look into it.
